Shared Governance 2012-2013
Current Documents
- MGSC Bylaws of the Academic Assembly
- MGSC Bylaws of the Faculty Senate
- MGSC Faculty Senate Rules of Process
- MGSC Statutes
- 2013-2-15 Message From President To Faculty
- assembly bylaws
- Cochran-Academic Assembly Minutes 021513
- DRAFT Bylaws MGSC Faculty Senate REVISED March 2013
- FacultyAffairsLegalAffairsWebinar
- Macon-Academic Assembly Minutes 021513
- MGSC Degree Listing
- MGSC Statutes
- MGSCFacultyGovernanceWorkTeamReport
- MGSCSenateBylawsIncludingStandingCommitteesAndBoards
- MGSCSenateRuleOfProcess
- MSC Statutes
- ProcedureForCurriculumChanges
- PromotionandTenureRequestForm