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diversity and build community. Among other “Sometimes people just need small reminders
events, the series features monthly book club to think of others’ experiences,” Lindsey said, “just
discussions and “A BOLD Dialogue” panels, which small nudges to remember that ‘Hey, this person is
offer candid discussion about experiences with different from me and not only is that okay, but it
racial inequality and injustices. should also be celebrated.’”
Dr. Mary Wearn, School of Arts & Letters She said students are encouraged to keep the
dean, praised her SOAL team for imagining and conversation going and to share their interest and
implementing a “fruitful pathway” for education ideas to broaden inclusive programming in the
and development among members of the MGA future. In fact, at a recent student-run Campus
community. She hopes the series will continue to Activities Board meeting, the Office of Student
“spark discussion, open minds, and foster healthy Life got suggestions on how to better support the
relations on our campuses and beyond.” LGBTQIA community.
The University’s programming initiative also “We are a place of higher learning,” said
includes the Office of Student Life. Lindsey, “and what better way to extend that
“A conversation we had to have was, ‘Are we practice than to incorporate diversity into our
doing enough?’” said Devereaux Lindsey, Student programming by simply listening to our students
Life coordinator on the Macon Campus. “‘Are we and being responsive to what is happening in the
just checking boxes to say we support diversity world.”
in our students, or are we actually looking at real Bacote said Middle 51 State’s expansion
events and seeing how we can incorporate them of diversity initiatives will continue.
into programming?’” “Ultimately, the entire campus community has
After the high-profile events of last summer, to engage and participate in these efforts in times
Lindsey said she found a renewed purpose, of both social rest and social unrest,” she said. “The
realizing she had a greater role than she thought in work of diversity, inclusion, and equity never stops,
helping to make a difference. and it is certainly not the work of just one office.
“What goes on in the classroom is one piece It’s the work of the University as a whole.” ■
of higher education,” Lindsey said, “but the other
piece – what goes on outside the classroom – is
where I have the ability to make a student, or
group of students, feel valued and seen.”
Lindsey is gratified to see the higher profile
that diversity and inclusion programming now has
at MGA. “Representation matters,” she said, noting
the diversity of Student Life staff and administra-
tors. “Students want to see campus staff that look
like them. It helps them feel valued and seen.”
Lindsey said students have responded
positively to the broadening of programming that
emphasizes diversity. She gave the example of a
student who, with the help of a faculty member,
encouraged her classmates in one of her courses to
participate in the Office of Student Life’s
“Inclusion Pledge” event during Black History
Month. At the event, students and some employees
shared personal experiences about diversity and
took pledges committing to help foster a more Jenia Bacote, MGa’s director of diversity,
inclusive environment. inclusion, & equity/title iX coordinator.
Spring 2021 MGA TODAY 17