Page 12 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021







Page 12 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021
P. 12

By Sheron Smith

                                                                                                Jason Ellingson

                             MGA’s First Doctorate

                  Attracts Aspiring Technology

                           Leaders and Educators

               J  ason Ellingson’s long career in information   Business School in Bloomington, Minn., where
                                                                   He later taught at KRS Computer and
                  technology dates back to his Air Force service
                  in the mid-1990s, where as a senior airman he
               served as a communications/computer systems     one of his proudest achievements was helping a
                                                               blind student earn his CompTIA A+ certification.
               operator.                                       Ellingson went on to build an impressive resume
                   “A good search on the internet and you can   that includes serving as a software development
               probably still find websites I made for units at   manager for a company he helped land billion
               Osan Air Force Base in South Korea,” said the   dollar contracts. Today he is a senior staff cyber
               48-year-old Minnesota native who now lives in   software engineer for Lockheed Martin Corp./
               Warner Robins.                                  Ennoble First Inc.

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