Page 16 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021







Page 16 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021
P. 16

during spring semester 2021, the office of student Life gave MGa students, staff, and faculty opportunities to formally pledge to
               listen to the stories of others, treat all people with dignity and respect, and commit to fostering an inclusive learning environment.

               MGA Expands Diversity                                                    By Alexandria Brooks

               Programming And Conversations

               I   n response to the wave of social movements     in the office’s long-term initiative for more inclu-
                                                                  Bacote said the president is actively involved
                   and protests that followed the violent deaths of
                   Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George
                Floyd in 2020, 51   sive and diverse programming. Last summer, in
                                                               addition to making himself available for candid
                (MGA) placed a renewed emphasis on diversity-,   conversations with students, faculty, and staff, he
                inclusion-, and equity-related programs at the    assigned Bacote to his cabinet and advocated for
                institution.                                   additional programming.
                   Jenia Bacote, MGA’s director of Diversity,      In the months since, Bacote’s office and other
                Inclusion, & Equity/Title IX coordinator, is    MGA departments and divisions have planned
                part of that effort.                           and offered a full slate of programming to sup-
                   Created in 2016, the office coordinates efforts   port diversity and inclusion. The programming
                that support MGA’s values and commitment to    helps MGA live out its value of engagement to help
                educate and create awareness about diversity,   members of the campus community have what can
                inclusion, and equity across the University’s    be hard conversations.
                campuses. There are several initiatives in place      The Office of Diversity began collaborating
                through which the office supports these efforts,   with various offices, departments, and student
                including training, programs on specific topics,   organizations to implement programs, workshops,
                and special events.                            and events, including the “Are You IN? Inclusive
                   “From day one, my primary role has been to   Conversations Series,” where students candidly
                build up this office into a long-term, sustainable   discuss their campus experiences at MGA and the
                unit,” Bacote said. “Since I am an office of one, a   “Inclusive Introductions Diversity Speaker Series”
                pivotal role I have is to develop relationships for   that brings guest speakers to help train, educate,
                collaboration across the campuses.” Bacote also   and inform MGA’s campus community.
                assists on several committees and serves on the      The “Collective Action Series,” the brainchild
                cabinet of Dr. Christopher Blake, MGA president,   of the School of Arts & Letters (SOAL), is one of
                to advise and consult on issues of diversity.  several ongoing initiatives created to foster

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