Page 20 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021







Page 20 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021
P. 20

Excellence Starts

               at the Top

               ALuMNI PRoFILe:
               Dr. Keith Moffett

                   Dr. Keith Moffett is currently the county
               manager for Macon-Bibb and has spent his
               professional career in city/county management,
               economic development, coordinating govern-
               ment resources for entrepreneurs, and higher
               education. He served eight years in the United
               States Navy aboard two Trident submarines as an
               electronic technician. After obtaining his Bachelor
               of Science in Business from Middle 51 State
     bUiLdinG a LeGaCy oF Greatness
               University, Moffett went on to obtain his MBA   provided their support. Although that time period
               and doctorate in Educational Leadership.  He    could not have been easy as a married, father-of-
               is also a certified public manager from the Carl   three non-traditional student, one gets the sense
               Vinson Institute of Government, a recognized    that he maintained hope no matter what came
               Distinguished Alumnus of the MGA School of      his way. Now, having completed his educational
               Business, and alumnus of Leadership Macon and   goals and having served many years in his career
               Leadership 51.                             of choice, I knew he would appreciate giving
                   Dr. Moffett’s wife, Dr. Melinda Robinson-   through the institution that gave him a pathway
               Moffett, surprised him recently by establishing   to a fresh start. Creating a scholarship provided
               The Keith Moffett Veterans’ Scholarship.  When   the security of knowing that support will be
               asked why she choose to honor her husband in    extended to students of MGA for many years to
               such a way, she said, “Keith speaks of his academic   come. Keith would want to extend the support
               journey with a smile and readily shares the names   and hope that was given to him without
               of numerous professors and fellow students who   hesitation. What a great feeling!”

                                                              SChoLARShIP ReCIPIeNt

                                                              Wesley Durkit / Aviation

                                                              Thank you very much for your generosity.
                                                              This award not only helps me financially but
                                                              provides an extra kick of motivation to
                                                              continue the long arduous path of becoming
                                                              a pilot. Knowing there are people like you
                                                              supporting students like me provides a wealth of
                                                              confidence that I can do this!

                                                                 leArn More about MGA Foundation scholarships at

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