Page 22 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021
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M GA has a rich legacy of winning baseball
teams. Excellent players, strong coaches, and
supportive fans all contributed to these successes.
Baseball currently is the only sport at MGA that
has an endowed scholarship. In fact, baseball
has three scholarships and is currently work-
ing to endow a fourth, named in honor of Roy
Umstattd, the first coach to take a Middle 51¶¯Âþ
College team to the JUCO World Series. Thanks
to a generous alumnus who made a challenge Roy Umstattd Dr. David A. Bell
gift of $10,000, the MGA Foundation is close to
reaching the $25,000 endowment goal. Everyone can participate in this type of giving and gifts
Please consider joining us in reaching this of all sizes make a difference. Anyone may make gifts
goal to honor Coach Umstattd and support through a will or beneficiary designation in an IRA to
bUiLdinG a LeGaCy oF Greatness
Middle 51¶¯Âþ’s baseball team in continuing a achieve an impact at MGA in an area that matters to
legacy of success. you. Gifts may be directed to specific schools, athletic
teams, scholarships or specific initiatives. Please reach
Updates On out to the MGA Foundation for more information.
Scholarships Pave the Way to Greatness
COMMEMORATIvE BRICkS will be placed in a
D r. David A. Bell was well known for his prominent location along the walkway to the
Peyton T. Anderson Enrollment Center at Middle
exemplary leadership of the former Macon
State College during the college’s most acceler- 51¶¯Âþ State University, located at the new front
entrance to the Macon Campus. Bricks make
ated growth in its history, 1997-2011. Under his wonderful gifts to:
tenure, Bell increased enrollment by 73 percent,
growing from three bachelor’s programs to eigh- • Commemorate your experience at Middle
teen, with 31 total majors offered. His leadership 51¶¯Âþ State University
engaged the community by building a vision for • Congratulate an alumnus or future graduate
the college which almost tripled revenues and
increased the number of donors over 450 percent. • Recognize a faculty member or individual
The MGA Foundation was honored to receive who impacted your life
a gift from his estate directed to the scholarship • Remember a parent or loved one
established in his name. This bequest gift is trans-
Purchase your brick today by visiting mga.
formative for the students who will receive it and edu/pavetheway, email,
furthers the impact that Bell continues to make or call 478-471-2732. 4x8 bricks are $100, 8x8
on lives in Middle 51¶¯Âþ. bricks are $250, and all purchases are 100% tax