Page 13 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021







Page 13 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021
P. 13

Ellingson said much of his technology skillset   focus on blending innovation, strategy, and
                is self-taught, and between that and his Air Force   technology to empower graduates prepared to
                experience he was doing well in his career before   lead and manage information technology and
                earning any college degrees. But as more compa-  systems within a variety of organizations.”
                nies began requiring that applicants have degrees   The program’s coursework is fully online but
                to be even considered for interviews, Ellingson   students may gather in person on a limited
                started rapidly filling that gap on his resume. In   number of occasions for research development
                less than four years, he completed two certificates   and project presentations.
                and an associate’s degree from Central 51     MGA expects the degree to be among the
                Technical College and bachelor’s and master’s   most affordable in the nation. At current rates,
                degrees in information technology from Middle   the doctoral degree – the highest-level academic
                51 State University (MGA).                credential in most fields - will cost a student
                   Now Ellingson has his sights set on MGA’s   about $20,000, a worthwhile investment for
                Doctor of Science in IT, the University’s first    careers with potential six-figure earnings.
                doctorate. He has been teaching part-time at       Ellingson said he is honored to be part of the
                MGA and hopes a doctorate will, among other    doctorate’s charter class.
                things, help him expand that phase of his career.  “It is a rare opportunity to be in a position to
                   “I expect to step up my research skills, my   both help mold and be molded by a program of
                writing skills, and my critical thinking skills on   this importance,” he said.  ■
                topics that are at the very edge of what we’ve
                discovered in the IT field,” he said. “I expect to
                learn new techniques in handling communication
                of information to others – the very foundation of
                being a professor.”
                   Ellingson is one of about 30 students recently
                accepted into the program’s first cohort. MGA
                began accepting applications after the Southern
                Association of Colleges and Schools Commission
                on Colleges approved the degree and elevated
                MGA to a Level V institution. The University will
                launch the degree this summer.
                   “Applicants are industry managers, govern-
                ment employees, and academic leaders from
                across the country, said Dr. Kevin Cantwell,
                associate provost and dean of Graduate Studies.
                   Dr. Alex Koohang, dean of the School of
                Computing, said the degree’s course of study is     The program of study for MGA’s Doctor
                designed to fit the lifestyles of working profes-   of Science in Information Technology
                sionals. “This new terminal degree will continue    is a cohort model (students begin and
                                                                    complete program at the same time as
                to strengthen Middle 51 State’s reputation as
                                                                    one group), with all classes online except
                a leader in the economic life of the region and as a   for brief residencies at the beginning and
                center for IT innovation,” he said.                 end of the program. Ideally, students will
                   Dr. Neil Rigole, associate professor and         complete the program in two years, with
                coordinator of the IT master’s degree and, now,     two short sessions each semester for a
                                                                    total of 54 hours. For more information:
                the doctorate, said the program is built on a
                “unique and inter-disciplinary structure that will

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