Page 7 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021







Page 7 - MGATODAY_Spring_2021
P. 7

Outdoor movie
                                                                                                  night on the
                                                                                                  Macon Campus

                            Plane pull competition
                            among aviation students
                            on the Eastman Campus

              Giveaways, including MGA-                                                          Casino night
              branded face coverings,                                                            on the Eastman
              for students on the Warner                                                         Campus
              Robins Campus

              This spring, “I (heart) MGA Student Life” purple   events as safely as possible, that lets them know we
              pillow stuffing has been a hit on several campuses.   are happy they are here and encourages them to
              On the Eastman Campus, where MGA’s School of     continue their studies at MGA.”
              Aviation is based, a “plane pull” competition that
              allowed for greater social distancing replaced the   teAchinG chAllenGes
              annual picnic and softball tournament.               With a strong track record of offering fully
                 “That turned out far better than I could have   online degrees through MGA Direct, Middle
              ever imagined,” said Christy Faulk, Student Life   51 State was in a better position than many
              coordinator on the Eastman Campus. “That event   institutions to handle the emergency shift from
              set the stage and really ramped up student       face-to-face classes in spring 2020. Most faculty
              excitement for other things we planned.”         members already had experience teaching online.
                 As long as students are living on campus and      Still, the majority of MGA’s classes meet face
              taking in-person classes, they are going to want   to face for at least some sessions over the course of
              something to do, Lindsey said. “If we can do some
                                                               a semester. Faculty members who were teaching in

                                                                               ContinUed on PaGe 8
          Spring 2021                                                                            MGA TODAY       7
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