





Page 19 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
P. 19

Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s New Strategic Plan
Targets Purpose-Driven Enrollment Growth,
Greater Student Success, and More

Growing enrollment, enriching                       	 • Own student success. One strategy to
                                                    achieve this goal includes developing obstacle-
student experiences, and expanding                  free pathways for students to progress from
                                                    prospective students to engaged and employed
online degree programs into new                     alumni. Another strategy is to expand student
                                                    involvement in community service and learning-
markets are among the top goals as                  through-experience opportunities.

51¶ŻÂţ                     	 • Build shared culture. Strategies to achieve
                                                    this goal are to attract, retain and nurture faculty
plans for the next five years.                      and staff talent; sustain the University’s financial
                                                    health and increase need-based aid for students;
	 The University recently released “Elevating       and to cultivate engagement to elevate the
Middle 51¶ŻÂţ,” a five-year strategic plan that    institution and the region.
maps out a vision of where the institution wants
to be by 2023 and how to get there.“Elevating       	 In practical measurements over the five-year
Middle 51¶ŻÂţ speaks to our service to the public  period, the University plans to grow enrollment
and our mission of graduating students with         to 8,900, boost annual campaign giving from
credentials that will enrich their lives and the    $850,000 to $1.25 million, increase the number
communities in which they live and work,” said      of degrees awarded annually from about 800
Dr. Christopher Blake, University president.        to 1,200 (bachelor’s and master’s degrees), and
	 “In developing this strategic plan, we con-       grow needs-based aid awarded to students from
sidered Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s unique features      $330,000 to $750,000 per year.
and challenges,” said Dr. Jon Anderson, Middle
51¶ŻÂţ State’s provost and vice president for       More details about the
Academic Affairs. “We have a blended function        “Elevating Middle 51¶ŻÂţ”
– remaining accessible to first-generation col-      strategic plan are at mga.
lege students and also fulfilling the mission of a   edu/strategic-plan.The
traditional state university. Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State   webpage will be updated
is spread out over five physical campuses yet has    regularly to reflect the
a growing online presence. We are the only public    University’s progress.
institution in 51¶ŻÂţ with a School of Aviation.    Questions and
	 “Our strategy outlines a path that will help       comments are welcome
the University manage those different assets in      and can be emailed to
ways that strengthen student and alumni success      strategicplan@mga.edu.
and contribute to the vitality of the region and
the state.”
	 The plan includes three strategic essentials:

	 • Grow enrollment with purpose.
Strategies to achieve this goal include expanding
and enriching the face-to-face student
experience; and expanding and enriching online
degree programs in new markets.

              By Sheron Smith

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