Page 15 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
P. 15

By Sheron Smith

MGA Launches Day of Service
for Students, Faculty, and Staff

On a cool, cloudy day in early                      	 Those are just a few of the organizations
December 2018, more than 150 Middle                 where members of the Middle 51 State
51 State University students,                  (MGA) community helped out for the Univer-
faculty, and staff fanned out across                sity’s first Day of Service, which Dr. Jennifer
the region to do some good.                         Brannon, vice president for Student Affairs, plans
                                                    to make an annual event.
I n Cochran, they visited patients at Bryant        	 “It was time for us, as a University, to do
     Nursing Home. In Dublin, they wrapped          this and make it a tradition,” Brannon said. “It’s
     Christmas gifts for foster children. A church  important that while we live, work, and study in
in Eastman got some help with yard work, clean-     our communities we not stay in our bubbles but
ing, and organizing. Students and staff scrubbed    get out there and meet people and serve others.”
showers and cleaned baseboards for Loaves and       	 Organizations in all five communities where
Fishes in Macon, an organization that helps the     Middle 51 State has campuses provided
homeless. In Warner Robins, students assembled      various service opportunities. Some of the
gift bags for clients served by Compassionate Care  organizations, in addition to those mentioned
Hospice.                                            above, were the Cochran-Bleckley Recreation
                                                    Department, which needed help with athletic
                                                    field maintenance; Lake Leisure in Dublin, which
                                                    needed help clearing away limbs and other debris
                                                    from recent storms; Middle 51 Community
                                                    Food Bank in Macon, which needed help sorting
                                                    products and loading boxes; and Happy Hour
                                                    Service Center in Warner Robins, which asked for
                                                    assistance in preparing a Christmas parade float.
                                                    	 In total, 18 agencies asked to partner with
                                                    MGA for the Day of Service.
                                                    	 Although the 2018 Day of Service took place
                                                    late in the fall semester, right before exam week,
                                                    students who participated were glad they did.
                                                    	 For her Day of Service activities, Rojean
                                                    Sanders, a junior majoring in nursing, helped pick
                                                    up litter in Macon’s Pleasant Hill area and put gift
                                                    bags together for patients served by Compassion-
                                                    ate Care Hospice in Warner Robins.
                                                    	 Working in Pleasant Hill was especially mean-
                                                    ingful for Sanders because she grew up there.
                                                    Day of Service “helped me to understand my
                                                    ‘whys,’” Sanders said. “Why I’m in school. Why I
                                                    wake up. Why I work hard. Why I care for others.
                                                    Why I love serving others.”

Spring 2019	                                        Continued on page 16                                  15

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