Page 17 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
P. 17
By Lee Greenway
W hen 51 2019, three Delta pilot campus liaisons visited
kicked off its participation in the Delta the Eastman Campus to talk with students about
Air Lines Propel Pilot Career Path life as a Delta pilot, and the crowd nearly over-
Program back in August of 2018, interested filled the campus flight dispatch area. As students
aviation students and their families filled the tucked into a lunch sponsored by Delta, college
Eastman Room on the University’s Aviation liaison Matt Lauer, an Atlanta-based MD-88 pilot,
Campus to capacity, with would-be Delta pilots talked about his experiences with MGA aviation
and their families taking up every seat and stand- students.
ing three or four deep in the back of the room. “It’s been awesome,” he said. “Spending time
Now that the program has been underway for with the students is why we’re so eager to take on
more than six months and the first MGA students this job of campus liaison. We get to share our
have been accepted and are making their way professional experiences, our passion for flying
steadily towards a job with the Atlanta-based air- and Delta. Hopefully through these experiences
line, the enthusiasm among MGA’s flight students we can help educate students on their career
remains high. During a Delta Day in February choices and inspire them to achieve their goals.”
Continued on page 18
MGA Aviation Students En Route
to Delta on Formal Career Path
“Propel Day”– It was standing room only at a Delta Day on MGA’s Eastman Campus in February. Three Delta pilots (at center, l-r, Matt
Lauer, Allen Sylvester, and Larry Hattaway) are surrounded by eager MGA flight students just before a brief presentation about life
as a Delta pilot. Photo by Lee Greenway.
Spring 2019 MGA TODAY 17