





Page 21 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
P. 21

economic impact of $250 million, according to        • More private dollars to support the work of
 recent assessments.                                   MGA are arriving through fundraising cam-
                                                       paigns conducted through Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State
• Enrollment, both in headcount and credit-hour        University Foundation. The 2018 “Annual Fund”
 production, grew by 6 percentage points in fall       campaign exceeded its goal of $875,000, and a
 2018, the second highest percentage growth in         more comprehensive and longer-term “Great-
 the University System. Fall 2018 enrollment hit       ness Campaign” is underway.
 about 7,800 students, the largest enrollment
 since 2014.                                          • MGA’s strong reputation and brand reputation
                                                       is catching the attention of those in the region as
• Enrollment for the current semester, spring          well as the state. MGA is aiming to increase the
 2019, beat MGA’s target goal and represents           presence of its aviation programs and is well on
 the third consecutive semester of enrollment          its way as the School of Aviation is one of only
 growth. “Three is not a blip, it is a trend,” Blake   eight schools nationwide recently selected to
 said.                                                 participate in the Delta Propel program to train
                                                       more pilots for the airline.
• The number of students living on MGA’s
 campuses increased by more than 15 percent           	 The real measure of MGA’s work, Blake said,
 in fall 2018. A new residence hall, housing 300      is the students.
 students, is on track to open on the Macon           	 “Every day, especially on the stressful days, I
 Campus in fall 2020. Meanwhile, MGA is serving       urge you to look around at the students on our
 a growing number of students online, offering        campuses,” he told the audience. “They are amaz-
 degree programs that can be earned partially or      ing people and they inspire us. They put their
 fully online.                                        trust in us. They balance their degree demands
                                                      with many other necessities and commitments.
• Nearly 700 students, a record number, are pursu-    They are not wealthy elites. They are building
 ing research opportunities with faculty mentors.     greatness in their lives and in our University.”
                                                      	 As Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State continues to move
• MGA launched a comprehensive strategic plan         forward, Blake urged the University commu-
 called “Elevating Middle 51¶ŻÂţ” in summer          nity to think of recent successes as steps to even
 2018 that calls for “purposeful” enrollment, clear   greater progress over the next few years. “We have
 student success, and sharing of a built culture.     the map and the means for realizing that dream,”
 The plan drives the University’s overall vision.     he said. Let’s turn the dream “into a powerful
                                                      reality for the benefit of the people of Middle
• A new level of collaboration between MGA’s          51¶ŻÂţ.” â– 
 academic and enrollment operations has been
 a game changer, the president said. Working                        Read the full text of Blake’s
 more closely together helps the University not                 “State of the University” address at
 only enroll more students, but helps ensure that
 more of them make ongoing progress toward                               www.mga.edu/sotu
 their degrees and graduate within a reasonable
 amount of time.

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