





Page 22 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
P. 22

By Lee Greenway

New Residence Hall Coming
to Macon Campus

S tudent demand for housing on Middle                                      Development Authority issued a bond of up to
       51¶¯Âþ State University’s Macon Campus                             $22 million for the building, though it is expected
       has long exceeded available space. Each year,                       to cost only $18.3 million. As is standard for
 the Residence Life office maintains a waiting list                        public-private ventures, a local development
 for University Pointe, the one residential                                authority issues bonds to cover the construction
 community on the Macon Campus.                                            cost of the project, as state agencies are prohibited
 	 But soon, the University will begin                                     from issuing their own bonds. 
 construction on a new residence hall.                                     	 The bond issue is backed by housing revenue
 	 Middle 51¶¯Âþ State (MGA) will break                                   from the future residence hall and is expected
 ground on the estimated $18 million project this                          to total approximately $18.3 million, although
 year. The facility will be approximately 73,000                           the authority authorized up to $22 million. Even
 square feet and located just north of the lake on                         though the Development Authority is acting as
 the Macon Campus.                                                         issuing agency, it assumes no financial risk in the
 	 The new residence hall is scheduled to be                               arrangement.
 completed July 1, 2020, and will house more than                          	 MGA will regularly update the progress of the
 300 students.                                                             new residence hall. The artist renderings on these
 	 How will the new student housing be funded?                             pages show what the facility will look like. Stay
 	 In January 2019, the Bibb County                                        tuned! â– 

        With green space at the water’s edge, the new residence hall will
        offer students a place to study and relax in an outdoor setting.

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