





Page 14 - MGATODAY-Spring2018_lr
P. 14

to pursue the new degree,” said Dr. Alan Clark,                              (R) Luke Ross was close to transferring to another
MGA’s director of bands. “They’ll be able to learn                           university before the B.A. in Contemporary
more about the music industry that supports                                  Musicianship came along. A prolific drummer who
bands in America.”                                                           regularly performs in and around Macon, Ross is
                                                                             thinking about a career teaching percussion at the
ACCOMPLISHED FACULTY                                                         high-school level.
	 Clark is one of four full-time music faculty
at MGA, but the program is also supported by a                               (Center) A rediscovery of her love of the saxophone
cadre of devoted adjunct instructors. One of them                            led Rebecca Gaw to change majors once she
is Miguel Castro, percussion coordinator and                                 learned of the new B.A. in Contemporary Musi-
band assistant. Castro is a composer, arranger, and                          cianship. She now aspires to make a living in music.
recording artist who has performed with various
professional orchestras in the U.S. and abroad.                                                            PHOTOS BY JESSICA WHITLEY
	 With help from Clark and Castro, MGA
student Luke Ross, 21, of Byron gets regular         to work with Miguel, who is the best percussionist
paid work playing the drums at gigs around the       on the planet.”
region. With Castro, he sat in once with the Latin   	 Other full-time faculty are Lanning, mezzo
American Orchestra of Houston, Texas. Ross also      soprano, who has performed in recital, opera, and
teaches percussion part-time at two Houston          oratorio throughout the U.S. and in France; Tisha
County schools.                                      Simeral, bassist, a touring musician who has per-
	 Ross at one time wanted to be a studio             formed for more than two decades with a variety
musician and performer but he is now, like Gaw,      of artists; and Dr. Robert McTyre, chair of MGA’s
interested in teaching full-time for a high-school   Media, Culture, and the Arts department, where
band program. He’s been at Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State      the music degree is based. A tenor, McIntyre per-
for a while pursuing a two-year degree in music      forms musical theater around the region.
the University is retaining while it builds up the   	 A search for a fifth full-time faculty member
new bachelor’s program.                              is underway. Lanning said the ideal candidate will
	 “I was literally about to transfer to another      be a pianist with expertise in classical forms and
university to work on my bachelor’s,” Ross said.     experience in other genre.
“Now I don’t have to. I’m excited I can continue     	

                                                     BUILDING A REPUTATION
                                                     	 Although a more formal launch of the music
                                                     degree doesn’t take place until the fall, the pro-
                                                     gram is already getting attention outside of MGA.
                                                     	 A newly created advisory board for the degree
                                                     program attracted some big names, including
                                                     Joey Stuckey, an award-winning guitarist, song-
                                                     writer, singer, composer, and producer who owns
                                                     Shadow Sound Studio in Macon; 51¶ŻÂţ Music
                                                     Hall of Fame inductee Alan Walden, a music
                                                     manager, publisher, booking agent, promoter and,
                                                     with his brother Phil, co-founder of Capricorn
                                                     Records; and Emory Gordy, a 1964 graduate of
                                                     the former Middle 51¶ŻÂţ College, now MGA.

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