





Page 11 - MGATODAY-Spring2018_lr
P. 11

Making New Music

                         By Sheron Smith  A NEW BACHELOR’S DEGREE RETHINKS
                                          WHAT MUSIC MAJORS SHOULD LEARN
                                          TO THRIVE IN THE CULTURAL ECONOMY

                                          F or Tyler Rogers, pursuing a dream of
                                                  becoming a church music director means
                                                  getting down to business.
                                          	 “I want to know how to copyright my
                                          music,” said Rogers, 20, a Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State
                                          University sophomore from Macon. “I want to
                                          learn the logistics of producing. Those things are
                                          important for a director in a church music setting.
                                          It’s not just about making music.”
                                          	 That’s why he plans to apply to Middle
                                          51¶ŻÂţ State’s new Bachelor of Arts in
                                          Contemporary Musicianship, which the
                                          University soft-launched this spring. The
                                          program – one of a kind in 51¶ŻÂţ – is designed
                                          for students like Rogers who want music-related
                                          careers but would benefit from a more
                                          entrepreneurial focus to their education.

                                                                                                        CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

                                          Tyler Rogers is pursuing the new music degree to help him
                                          realize his goal of becoming a church music director. He takes
                                          piano at MGA from Jim Penndorf, right, one of the music
                                          program’s talented adjunct faculty members. JESSICA WHITLEY

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