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New Provost Sees                                                           MBA director, assurance of learning coordinator
  MGA as ‘Hidden Gem’                                                        for 51¶¯ÂþWebMBA, Southern Association of
  Poised for Growth                                                          Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
                                                                             accreditation liaison, associate vice president for
By Sheron Smith                                                              Academic Affairs, and deputy provost.
                                                                             	 In this Q&A with MGA Today, Anderson talks
            Dr. Jonathan R. Anderson, MGA’s new provost and vice             about what led him into higher education, his
            president for Academic Affairs, visits with nursing students at  early impressions of Middle 51¶¯Âþ State, and his
            the grand opening of Oak Hall’s STEM wing on the Warner          goals for helping the University move forward.
            Robins Campus. SHERON SMITH
                                                                             Have you always wanted a career in higher edu-
 In January 2018, Dr. Jonathan R. Anderson                                   cation? What brought you into the profession?
             became provost and vice president for                           I have always been interested in learning and teach-
             Academic Affairs at Middle 51¶¯Âþ State                        ing. While I was an undergraduate student, I had
        University. The provost is the University’s chief                    the chance to work closely with a few professors and
        academic officer and serves as the chief executive                   administrators that helped shape my future plans.
        in the absence of the president.                                     I was fortunate to grow up in an environment that
        	 Anderson began his professional life in the                        valued education. Not being sure where I would end
        financial services industry, working as a liability                  up working, I knew from a young age I wanted to
        specialist in his home state of Utah before                          end up somewhere in education. I have taught
        taking loan officer positions in the Atlanta area.                   middle and high school, coached sports at both
        He moved into education in 1999, becoming                            levels, served as a professor and now enjoy
        a business teacher and coach at Bremen High                          administration. Higher education administration is
        School in Bremen, Ga.                                                rarely a job you aspire to as there is such a long road
        	 He holds a Ph.D. in business administration:                       to get there, but it has been a great fit for me and I
        management from the University of Kentucky, a                        have learned a lot along the path.
        master’s in business education from what is now
        the University of West 51¶¯Âþ, and a bachelor’s                     What attracted you to the provost’s job at Mid-
        degree in Sociology from Utah State University.                      dle 51¶¯Âþ State? I believe Middle 51¶¯Âþ State
        	 After earning his Ph.D., Anderson joined the                       is positioned to be the next great success story in the
        faculty of the University of West 51¶¯Âþ. In near-                  state. As such, when this position opened, I was very
        ly 15 years of experience at the Carrollton-based                    interested. During the interview process, it became
        university, Anderson served as associate dean and                    clear that the institution had some challenges but
                                                                             that there were good people embedded through-
                                                                             out the five campuses and that the institution was
                                                                             willing to grow and change. That willingness to
                                                                             change is not found in many institutions. President
                                                                             Blake has led an effort to position the institution for
                                                                             growth. I feel fortunate to be here at this point in
                                                                             the institution’s history. It seems clear that the
                                                                             foundation is built for us to grow and move
                                                                             forward. I am grateful to be a part of MGA’s future.

                                                                             What potential do you see in MGA that is not yet
                                                                             realized? As an institution with a blended mission,
                                                                             MGA serves a broad range of students. Some are
                                                                             well prepared for university study, others still need

                                                                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

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