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(BSN) program, the facility features a 20-bed        	 Besides labs and classrooms, the wing
clinical laboratory area and a three-bed             expanded lounge/study space for students. On a
simulation/observation area. The simulation/         recent afternoon, about a dozen nursing majors
observation area has video and audio capabilities    filled the tables and purple-cushioned chairs in
for student instruction involving high-fidelity      the sun-drenched common areas with their notes,
simulation activities.                               laptops, and lunches spread before them. Many
	 Thanks in part to the STEM wing, the               said they found the new wing attractive and
University’s new student enrollment grew by 21       comfortable.
percent this spring over the same period last year.  	 “We’re here all day, so it’s nice to have a place
	 “We were able to increase admissions into the      where we can study and take a break,” said
BSN due to having the additional space,” said Dr.    Brianna Cape of Hawkinsville.
Donna Ingram, chair of nursing department in         	 Payton Bray of Wrightsville said he was
the School of Health Sciences. “It’s a tremendous    excited to begin the nursing program the same
boost to the program.”                               semester the STEM wing opened.
	 The wing is connected to Oak Hall on the           	 “Every aspect of it is up to date,” he said. “I
south end of the Warner Robins Campus, which         would have given one hundred percent to the
is located across from City Hall and within a half   program no matter what, but having the newest
mile of Robins Air Force Base.                       labs and equipment available is a bonus.”	 ■

Spring 2018	  Information about nursing programs on MGA campuses is at www.mga.edu/health-sciences.
              Learn more about degrees in natural sciences at www.mga.edu/arts-sciences.

                                                     MGA’s Warner Robins Campus hosted
                                                     a grand opening ceremony at the STEM
                                                     wing in January 2018. Dr. Christopher
                                                     Blake, MGA’s president, and Sharon
                                                     Pope, assistant vice chancellor for
                                                     Design and Construction for the
                                                     University System of 51¶ŻÂţ, cut the
                                                     ceremonial ribbon. Building
                                                     architect for the Oak Hall STEM wing
                                                     was Lyman Davidson Dooly. The project
                                                     manager was Parramore & Quinn,
                                                     while Piedmont Construction handled
                                                     construction management.

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