





Page 12 - MGATODAY-Spring2018_lr
P. 12

Reflecting a partial shift away from the tradi-   MUSIC VS. CAREER
tional emphasis on a classical music curriculum,      	 The genesis of the B.A. in Contemporary
the B.A. in Contemporary Musicianship seeks           Musicianship lies in Lanning’s doctoral disserta-
to “train musicians to capitalize on the artistic     tion, which she completed in 2015. Via email, she
product by delivering skills in marketing, entrepre-  surveyed nearly 5,000 music faculty throughout
neurship, and non-profit management,” according       the Southeast to get their opinions about the
to a formal program proposal written by Dr.           relevancy of music programs in higher education.
Rebecca Lanning, MGA’s music coordinator.             	 Among Lanning’s discoveries was that many
	 Students pursuing the degree will be able to        music faculty believe career opportunities in the
choose between two emphases: classical, which         classical world are scarcer than they once were. A
retains much of the traditional approach but with     majority of those surveyed think teaching non-
some enhancements, and commercial, designed to        musical skills is as important as teaching musical
train students to apply correct musical technique     skills to music majors. (They also believe that
to various forms, including hip hop and R&B, two      the kind of non-musical skills students in those
of the world’s most popular forms of music.           programs need has significantly changed in recent
	 “We wanted to develop a program that                years.) Many agreed that there is a big difference
students could build upon to enter more wide-         between teaching students to be musicians and
ranging careers than those typically afforded by a    teaching them how to create musical careers.
traditional music degree,” Lanning said. “The         	 “In general, music programs haven’t really
cultural and entertainment marketplace in             taught students how to identify and find all the
51¶ŻÂţ is substantial. In Macon and the              ways they can earn a living,” Lanning said. “We
surrounding area alone, church music represents       haven’t taught them how to self-market, how to
a huge part of the job market.                        develop that whole entrepreneurial piece to help
	 “Our approach to the development of this degree     them navigate an industry that, as far as making
was to create something that will allow graduates to  a living, significantly changed after streaming
move between the various cultural marketplaces.”      services like Pandora hurt music download sales.”

            Dr. N. Alan Clark is director of bands at MGA. His professional and teaching
            experiences run the gamut from performances with Celine Dion, Amy Grant,
            Vince Gill, Crystal Gayle, and others, to a 20-year career as an Air Force
            commander, conductor, and saxophonist, to a successful career as a band
            composer and clinician. He directs the MGA University Bands and Jazz
            Ensemble and teaches studio saxophone. JESSICA WHITLEY

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