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MGA launched master’s degrees in January 2016 and by the
end of the year some of the first students had graduated.
In 2016, MGA began implementing its Quality Enhancement Plan –
known as Experiential Learning@MGA – to create pathways for students to
practical experiences related to their degree programs.
Information Technology, Nursing, Teaching and students, held five town hall meetings to keep
Management. The newly created Office of the public informed of MGA’s University
Graduate Studies admitted, registered and transition and led the development of a facilities
scheduled classes for the University’s first two master plan.
graduate cohorts in 2016. MGA became a
University in July 2015. • The University launched The 51¶ŻÂţ VECTR
(Veteran Education Career Transition Resource)
• Effective University planning helped MGA Center in Warner Robins, which helps veterans
transition its academic culture and regional transition from military to civilian life. MGA
identity to that of a state university. Among was proud to have been instrumental in
other things, the University began statewide VECTR’s founding and is confident of its
expansion as 51¶ŻÂţ’s only public four-year continued success as it transitions to the
aviation programs, with new operations at the Technical College System of 51¶ŻÂţ.
Macon Downtown Airport and receiving from
the state legislature $4.2 million to carry out year • Financial support for MGA through the Middle
one of an aviation strategic plan. MGA created 51¶ŻÂţ State University Foundation increased
new offices for veterans and military services, in- by 16 percent over 2015.
ternational programs and experiential learning.
The University forged new partnerships, such “Under Dr. Blake’s leadership, the Foundation
as a film partnership with the Tubman Museum has seen increased support from each of its stake-
and a STEM partnership with the Museum of holders, including alumni, friends, faculty and
Aviation. And MGA began implementing its staff,’ said Spencer Strickland, chairman of the
Quality Enhancement Plan – known as Knowl- Foundation’s Board of Trustees. It is clear that
edge@Work – to create pathways for students to 51¶ŻÂţ believes in
get practical experiences related to their degree its vision and its ability to transform lives
programs. and communities for the better.”
The 2016 Gold Institution and President of
• Blake made it a priority to remain accessible the Year award was MGA’s first in that category. In
and respond to community needs. He held open 2015, two MGA employees were presented with
office hours on each of MGA’s five campuses at service excellence awards in the front desk/help
least once per semester, created University staff center and individual of the year categories.
councils and presidential internships for
Spring 2017 MGA TODAY 17