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Surrounded by members of the 51 cabinet,
Dr. Christopher Blake, MGA president, holds the Gold Institution/President
of the Year trophy, which was presented by Henry “Hank” M. Huckaby,
University System of 51 chancellor (center).
Launching a statewide plan to expand Aviation
programs was among MGA’s 2016 accomplish-
ments. The first expansion site was Macon
Downtown Airport.
MGA’s Gold Institution &
President of the Year Award
Follows Remarkable Year
I n late 2016, less than two years after becoming offerings and thorough engagement in our com-
a University, Middle 51 State brought munities. It is gratifying in the extreme to see
home the gold. our efforts recognized by the chancellor and the
The University System of 51 named University System of 51.”
51 the year’s Gold As described by the USG’s website,
Institution, while choosing Dr. Christopher Blake, Institution of the Year awards are presented to “…
MGA’s president, President of the Year. The the institution and president that demonstrated
combined award, which is among those for the highest commitment and performance levels
service excellence presented each year by the USG in service excellence across the institution over
chancellor, was announced at an October 25, the last year, including ‘Best Practice’ accomplish-
2016, ceremony held at 51 College in ments and employee activities that foster service
Milledgeville. excellence.”
Blake accepted the award on behalf of MGA Nominees are asked to demonstrate five
from Chancellor Henry “Hank” M. Huckaby, who attributes of service excellence: Respectful,
has since retired. Accessible, Informed, Supportive and Responsive.”
“Any institution of higher education has a Middle 51 State accomplished a number
duty not only to educate but to serve our of things in 2016 that modeled those five
students, our employees and our region,” Blake attributes:
said after MGA received the award. “Middle
51 State University has long been • The University launched or planned four
committed to service through strong and master’s degree programs that are informed by
accessible leadership, exceptional academic and responsive to regional economic demands: