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N“ orman Mailer: Works & Days” is a digital                                                                  LUCAS
             humanities project for Mailer schol-
             ars and literary critics. The first major
  initiative of Project Mailer, which is an ongoing
  initiative to promote the legacy of one of the 20th
  century’s most prolific writers, “Works & Days”
  assembles Mailer’s major primary and second-
  ary works and events in a searchable, multimodal
  database. This project is co-written by J. Michael
  Lennon, Mailer’s official biographer, and built by
  Dr. Gerald Lucas, professor of English.
  	 “Not only is this project for Mailer scholars,
  it is publicly accessible, allowing for the students
  and enthusiasts an introduction to Mailer studies
  and a key component for research,” Lucas says.
  	 Lucas has presented his work at the Norman
  Mailer Society annual conference. See “Works &
  Days” at http://worksdays.projectmailer.net.



                                                        T“ esting,” says Cory Smith, Psychology
                                                                   lecturer, “is how we get insight into an
                                                                   individual’s behaviors, thoughts, intel-
                                                          lect, achievement, and even competence.” His
                                                          workbook, currently under development with
                                                          Kendall-Hunt Publishing, will provide students
                                                          with anecdotes and vignettes from his 10 years’
                                                          experience in psychological testing, as well as
                                                          activities designed to assess their understanding of
                                                          the concepts. “These stories bring concepts to life
                                                          and offer students an opportunity to experience
                                                          the field from an applied perspective,” he says.

    SMITH     Text / photos compiled by Kelsei C. Etchison, Lee Greenway, Larry Hollingsworth, Sheron Smith
Spring 2017	
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