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Phipps                                                    HEALTH
                                                          W illiam “Bill” Hervey, professor
O ne of the current projects of Dr. Simone                             of Health Sciences, presented “Epide-
             T. A. Phipps, assistant professor of Man-                miological criminology (Epicrim): A
             agement, examines the business of black      theoretical framework for domestic and global
    beauty and whether it can be considered social        terrorism research and analysis” at the Society for
    entrepreneurship or a contributor to social injus-    Terrorism Research’s 10th annual international
    tice. “One of the pros of the black beauty industry   conference held at The Hague, Netherlands.
    is the creation of employment opportunities,”         	 Epidemiological criminology is already
    Phipps says. “One of the cons is the potential loss   being used by Hervey and others in several
    of identity as individuals try to conform to a stan-  real-life projects, including interventions for
    dard of beauty that may be very different from        youth gangs in a number of large cities, as well
    who they naturally are.”                              as for prison gangs. It is the subject of a number
    	 Phipps is examining the black beauty industry       of books, including two for which Hervey has
    from a historical perspective by researching two      provided chapters.
    of its early entrepreneurs, Annie Turnbo-Malone
    and Sarah Breedlove (Madame C.J. Walker).                                                                                          HERVEY
    She has presented her research at the Academy
    of Management Annual Conference, and it is
    currently under review for journal publication.

                                                          D r. Kevin Floyd, chair of the School of In-
FLOYD                                                                formation Technology and Master of Science
                                                                     in IT coordinator, is conducting quantitative
                                                           research to examine the psychometric properties of
                                                           the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ).
                                                           The results of the study will help identify what types
                                                           of leadership are demonstrated in higher education.
                                                           “This could help institutions to prepare appropriate
                                                           leadership development or training programs for
                                                           new administrators,” Floyd says. “It will also add to
                                                           the existing research that has been conducted to
                                                           assess the reliability and validity of the MLQ.”

                                                          MGA Faculty continues on page 14

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