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YADAV                                                    ENGLISH

 BIOLOGY                                                 Her first full-length manuscript of po-
                                                                    ems, The Disappearing Act, won the 2016
Y ou’ve probably heard of the sugar substi-                         Adrienne Bond Award for Poetry. “The
           tute called stevia. Dr. Pushpa Yadav,          poems in this collection explore the role of memo-
          assistant professor of Biology, and some of     ry in shaping one’s identity,” says Dr. Sara Pirkle
    her students have been conducting tissue culture      Hughes, lecturer of English. “In particular, the
    research on this natural, zero-calorie sugar plant.   title of the book refers to a recurring idea in the
    Stevia is native to Paraguay and Brazil and is com-   book that time is a magician, and every moment of
    monly known as “honey yerba” or “honey leaves.”       life that passes pulls a disappearing act. In attempt-
    Worldwide demand for the plant is increasing          ing to preserve these moments in poetry, I am
    as the healthcare industry looks for ways to help     trying to complete the illusion that time has begun:
    people control obesity and to treat Type 2 diabe-     the reappearance after the disappearance.”
    tes. However, “seeds of stevia have less vigor and
    are mostly unviable and thus the germination rate                                                                           HUGHES
    in this plant species is only around 10 percent,”
    Yadav says. “Therefore, stevia seeds cannot be        	 The book will be published by Mercer
    used for mass propagation.”                           University Press in 2018. Hughes has other poetry
    	 Yadav’s research goal was to establish the          published in national and international literary
    plant in the laboratory through micropopaga-          journals. Here is her poem “My Father Holding His
    tion (rapidly multiplying stock plant material to     Father’s Hand,” which was published in Juxtaprose
    produce a large number of progeny plants, using       Literary Magazine:
    modern plant tissue culture methods) and subse-
    quently enhance its sugar content production.            As he takes his father’s hand,
    	 The project gives MGA’s undergraduate Biol-            his father says, Forgive me,
    ogy students the opportunity to learn how tissue         I know you belong to me,
    culture is performed; what the importance of             but I don’t know your name.
    hormonal balance and the nutrient components
    in tissue culture is; how to regenerate the whole        His father’s mind is a wind-up boat
    plant from explants; and how to work aseptically         caught on a stone in a creek.
    in the lab.                                              If he could, my father would wade in,
    	 Some of Yadav’s students have already pre-             free the toy on a clear path.
    sented findings at MGA’s undergraduate research
    conference. Her current students are designing           Standing knee-deep, he would see
    and setting up an experiment for polyploidy              for himself how swiftly the current
    induction.                                               sweeps away all a man has ever
                                                             known, all a man belongs to.

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