Job Search Resources
Did you know that it takes 6 - 9 months to find a job or internship in your field? In fact, we believe your professional career search begins as soon as you begin college at MGA. Luckily, all MGA students have career advisors in the CCLD to help them with the process.
We have developed this page to help you access some of the key resources that we recommend for a successful job search. It will take multiple strategies to find the right opportunity.
- The #1 job search tool for college students
- Job & Internship Database of MGA Employers
- On-Campus Career Fairs & Events
- Virtual Events with National Companies
- Employer Database
- Download MGA's Handshake User Guide
- The world's largest online professional network
- Connect with alumni and recruiters
- Search job and internship postings
- Join professional groups
- Follow and research companies
- Download our LinkedIn Profile Guide
- Find careers that match your personality
- Identify employers who hire for your field
- Use the Job Board as a resource for identifying employers to research
- Watch career videos to better understand the work involved in your field
- Get average salary data for career fields
Download our informational interview handout Over 80% of all jobs are found through networking. As you make connections through LinkedIn, career fairs, and your personal network, you can set up informational interviews as a way to tap the hidden job market. After talking with a potential employer about their company, you might find that when they have an opening, you're the first person they think of when it's posted!
The links below are examples of industry job boards that contact many of the positions for that particular industry. Be sure to check the Professional Association Finder for ideas as well.
We have provided a few links to job boards related to specific career networks within the region and beyond. Your preferred region may not have a job board, so access your Chamber's members directory to create a list of companies.
Professional Associations are a great way to make connections with people in your field and tap into other job boards. Use the Career OneStop Professional Association Finder to locate one in your field. We have included a few other examples.
International students are strongly encouraged to pursue internship opportunities under Curriculuar Practical Training (CPT) while they are enrolled as students. Upon graduation, international students are eligible to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT).