Meet the Staff
Dr. Mary Roberts
Executive Director for Career & Leadership Development
Main Office: Macon Campus
Dr. Heather McIntosh
Assistant Director for Internships & Career Readiness
Main Office: Macon; Cochran on Mondays in Fall & Spring
Career Resource Liaison Area: Arts & Letters
Mr. Rafael Villamil
Coordinator for Student Leadership Programs
Main Office: Macon; Cochran on Wednesdays in Fall & Spring
Mrs. Debra Mainor
Career Advisor
Main Office: Cochran Campus
Career Resource Liaison Areas: Health & Natural Sciences and Cochran & Dublin campuses
Ms. Barneika Williams
Career Advisor
Main Office: Macon Campus
Career Resource Liaison Area: Education & Behavioral Sciences and Warner Robins campus
Ms. Myra Gist
Internship & Career Development Coordinator
Main Office: Macon Campus
Career Resource Liaison Area: Business and Computing
Ms. Julie Holloway
Career & Employer Development Coordinator
Main Office: Eastman Campus
Career Resource Liaison Area: Aviation and Eastman Campus
Use to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment with any career advising staff member. If you need to email a resume or ask a question outside of an appointment, email us at . To find us in-person, visit us on the Cochran Campus in Sanford 112 and on the Macon Campus in the Student Life Center, Suite 261.
The career development staff members are also aligned with one or more Schools as a Career Resource Liaison, but any staff member is able to provide general assistance to you, especially in your first appointment. When scheduling your appointment, you have the option of selecting your School as a category so that you can set up an appointment with the staff member aligned with your school. Since staff are located in three different physical locations, you may need to meet with your Career Resource Liaison virtually. If you would prefer an in-person appointment, then select the option for your preferred campus location: Macon, Cochran, or Eastman. In most cases, Dublin students who want an in-person appointment should select Cochran, and Warner Robins students who want an in-person appointment should select Macon.
We use to help our employers connect with MGA students and alumni. You can post jobs and internships for FREE with the ability to reach alumni, students at all five MGA campuses, and online students. We also use this platform to register you for our career fairs. If you have specific questions on how to partner with us, call us at 478-471-2714 or email us at