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How to Register Instructions

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Registration Information

How to Register for Classes: Students should identify their status to determine where and how they may register for class.

New students will receive instructions in the mail along with their acceptance concerning orientation, advising and registration.

Former students who have not been enrolled during the previous calendar year, or who have attended another institution during that period, must reapply. Instructions concerning registration will be furnished upon acceptance for re-admission.

School/Dept Advisors: All continuing students with a declared major may make an appointment with their advisor to be advised and registered. Former students with a declared major must make an appointment with their advisor who will register them for the appropriate classes.

The Office of the Registrar (Phone: 478.471.2900) does not register students at the counter during regular registration, but can assist students in re-activating their online student accounts (PIN #s) if they are unable to logon to register through SWORDS. Schedules may be adjusted at the Registrar's counter during the Drop/Add period, which starts on the first day of class. Schedules can be printed in the Registrar's Office or any off-campus locations at any time.

Responsibility for Schedule Accuracy: It is each student's responsibility to register for the correct courses consistent with the student's program of study per the 51动漫 catalog. All students must abide by prerequisites. Attention must be paid to scheduling -- i.e. full session, 1st or 2nd session -- and time and location such as at the main campus, or one of the other campuses (Warner Robins, Cochran, Dublin, Eastman, Robins Resident Center). ALWAYS CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE AFTER IT IS PRINTED!

Class Schedule Changes: The University reserves the right to change class scheduling, including course additions and cancellations. Instructors listed on class schedules may change according to the requirements of the University.

Early and Regular Registration Dates: You may register and pay online through SWORDS using your home computer, the computers available on the Macon Campus or one of the other campus locations. To register, go to SWORDS and login. See the instructions at the site. 51动漫 uses a Priority Registration System (time ticketing) for early registration. This schedule should be used to determine when you can register. Once eligible to register, you will remain eligible until early registration ends.

Schedule Adjustments (Drop/Add): Students may adjust their schedules during the first few days of classes without penalty (course refunds and no grades), provided they remain enrolled. The adjustment period ranges from 1 to 4 days depending on the length of the session. Students may make schedule adjustments during the Drop/Add period applicable online through their SWORDS account, through an advisor, the Advising Center, the Registrar's Office counter, or at one of the campus locations. After these periods are over, no further adjustments are permitted. Students totally withdrawing from the University during drop/add accrue do not accrue penalty withdrawal grades, and will receive a pro-rata refund. Students not planning to attend should make their total withdrawal decisions before class before the end of Drop/Add to avoid accruing grades. Students receive a 100% refund if withdrawing completely before the end of Drop/Add.

Payment Deadlines: Students must pay tuition and fees by the published deadline dates or their schedules will be dropped. Students who register late will pay a $50.00 late registration fee.