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GPA Calculator

How the GPA is calculated

At 51动漫, a student's institutional GPA is calculated based upon dividing the total number of Quality Points earned by the total number of academic Grade Point Average (GPA) hours. You can find these numbers online on your academic transcript in the student records link in your Banner Web account. The institutional GPA excludes learning support grades. The institutional GPA determines academic standing, and honors.

Quality Points: Quality points are accrued based on the grade received and the number of hours for the course. For example, an A grade equals 4 quality points per semester hour. So, a 3 hour course graded as an A would receive 12 Quality Points. See the quality point information for each grade below.

GPA hours: This number represents the total number of graded academic hours (excludes I and W grades) the student has attempted. For example, a student took five 3 hour courses during a semester for total of 15 hours attempted, withdrew from one course (W grade), received an A, a C, a D and an F grade would have a total of 12 hours that would be calculated in his or her GPA. WF grades count as F grades.



WARNING! This calculator is not linked to the 51动漫 Student Information System. The results are based only on the data the student enters! Please note information concerning the grading system (which grades are included in the GPA) below. For more information refer to the current catalog online.

Enter # of Credit Hours
Enter Letter Grade
A,B,C,D,F,WF only
Quality Points
(Auto calculates)
Course 1:
Course 2:
Course 3:
Course 4:
Course 5:
Course 6:
Course 7:
Course 8:
Course 9:
Course 10:

Re-click the COMPUTE buttons for Predicted Current GPA, Cumulative GPA transcript data and Predicted Cumulative GPA whenever you change the "what-if" numbers entered into this calculator. Otherwise, your new "what-if" numbers will NOT be factored into the GPA predictions and your results will be incorrect.

Predicted Current GPA

Total # of
GPA Hours (Hrs)
Grade Point
Average (GPA)
Total # of
Quality Points (QP)


To see how your Predicted Current GPA will effect your Cumulative GPA, just enter your Cumulative GPA Hours (GPAH) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) as shown on your current transcript -- in the purple boxes below. Cumulative Quality Points (QP) will be computed by the GPA Calculator. Note Repeated Grade information below.

Leave QP box below EMPTY and click COMPUTE button.

Cumulative GPA transcript data


Leave boxes below EMPTY and click COMPUTE button.

Predicted Cumulative GPA



Current GPA: Includes grades for institutional academic courses for a specific term.

Cumulative GPA: Includes grades for all institutional academic courses taken. See Grading System above for explanation of the grades included in the Cumulative GPA. The term GPA Hours (GPAH) refers to the total number of semester hours for all courses comprising the Cumulative GPA.

Grading System (Refer to the catalog for complete information)
Grade Description (Catalog) Quality
A Indicates excellent work 4.0
B Indicates good work 3.0
C Indicates satisfactory work 2.0
D Passing 1.0
F Failing 0.0
WF Withdrawal Failing 0.0
I Incomplete   
IP Progressing - Learning Support  
W Withdrawal (no penalty)  
WM Withdrawal (no penalty). Military student deployed during emergency  
S Regents' Test Remediation Course. Satisfactory  
U Regents' Test Remediation Course. Unsatisfactory  
V Audit - not included in GPA  
K Examination - not included in GPA  
NR No Grade Submitted  
% Grades Learning Support - not included in GPA  
^ Grades College Prep deficiency remediation - included in GPA  
# grades Academic Renewal - not included in GPA  
* grades Transfer courses - not included in GPA  
Repeated Courses 

Most recent grade included in GPA (I); previous courses excluded (E) from GPA  starting Fall 1999. To calculate correctly, exclude repeated hours and grade in "purple" entry area.

  • The GPA is equal to the number of Quality Points (QP) divided by the number of GPA Hours (GPAH).
  • Quality Hours (QH) = total number of hours for courses student received a grade of A, B, C, D or F
  • Quality Points (QP) = number of credit hours per course multiplied by the value of the grade received. Example values: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0
  • IMPORTANT: You must convert quarter hours to semester hours to arrive at an accurate GPA. To convert quarter hours to semester hours, use .67 as the factor. For example, 1 quarter hour equals .67 of a semester hour. (5 Quarter hours = 3.33 Semester Hrs; 3 Qtr hours = 2 Semester Hrs)