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Registration FAQs

For more registration questions, visit .

I am a new student at MGA. I wanted to register online but found I could not. Why?
New students are prevented from registering online for their first semester until they see an academic advisor. Unless you are a Learning Support Student or have a registration hold that prevents registration (i.e. Bursar's Office, Admissions) you will be able to register online next semester.

I am on Probation and have an Advisor Hold on my record. Why?
This is the Academic Affairs registration hold on all students who are on probation. The hold is intended for the advisor to discuss your situation and to develop a plan to help you succeed academically so that you do not move to an academic dismissal.

What is Academic Renewal?
Academic Renewal allows students who have experienced academic difficulty (probation, dismissal, etc.) previously at college to have one opportunity to make a fresh start. Academic Renewal will remove all grades from all semesters from three years prior and earlier from counting towards their MGA GPA. For example, if a student gets Academic Renewal in Spring of 2019, their grades from Fall of 2015 and earlier are no longer counted towards their MGA GPA.

Academic Renewal does not remove those grades from a student's transcript, nor does it change Academic Standing. It simply resets the student's GPA for 51动漫 to only include grades from the previous three calendar years. For example, a student who is granted Academic Renewal takes two courses during the first semester after re-enrollment for which he or she receives two B grades would now have a 3.0 GPA and would be in Good Standing.

There are other provisions applicable to Academic Renewal as applies to graduation, honors etc. which students who apply for academic renewal should be aware of. These are published in the online catalog.

Students can apply for Academic Renewal at any time, but Academic Renewal will be granted only ONE time.

What is Transfer Articulation?
If you have not received an evaluation of your transfer credits, you may use the to give you an idea of how your transfer coursework will transfer to the university. Locate your college by state and a list will populate of some of the courses from each school.

Please note that the list may not be complete for all colleges/universities. If you believe that you should have received transfer credit for a course that you have taken at another college or university, you may fill out a petition to receive credit with the related department. The petition forms may be found here.