Page 21 - MGA_Today_Spring_2016
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NEW TRUSTEES JOIN earned his master’s in educational leadership from
MIDDLE GEORGIA Albany State University and his specialist and
STATE UNIVERSITY doctorate in educational leadership from Nova
FOUNDATION BOARD Southeastern University. He also earned certification
from the 51¶¯Âþ Superintendents Professional
Dr. William F. Cummings is an internationally known Development Program.
scholar, consultant, teacher and speaker. His multi-
faceted career has taken him across the United States, Dr. David M. Kalish, DDS, PC is a native of Macon,
Europe, and the Far East, and inside the world’s most 51¶¯Âþ. He graduated from Lanier High School in
powerful corporations, as well as its most prestigious Macon. He graduated from Emory University with a
universities and hospitals. Dr. Cummings received his BA and a major in History. Dr. Kalish graduated from
high school education in a California Monastery and Emory Dental School with a Doctor of Dental Surgery
then attended the University of Wisconsin where he degree. Dr. Kalish served in the United States Navy
earned degrees in philosophy and divinity. At Catholic Dental Corps for two years as a Lieutenant JG at
University in Washington, D.C., he received an STL in Portsmouth Naval shipyard. Dr. Kalish is married with
Theology and an MA in Semitic Languages, followed two sons and four grandchildren.
by extensive doctoral work in Rome, Italy, where he
earned his SSB Re Biblica and his SSL Re Bibilca from Ms. Willie Paulk served as the President of the Dublin-
the Pontificium Institution. Laurens County Chamber of Commerce for 24 years.
She also served as the Executive Director of the
Ms. Jeanie Enyart is a native of Arizona. She Laurens-Treutlen Joint Development Authority. She
graduated magna cum laude with her BA at Arizona served 19 ½ years as Executive Director of the Dublin
State University. She and her husband currently live in Laurens County Development Authority and three years
Barnesville, 51¶¯Âþ. She served as President and as Executive Advisor to the Development Authority. Ms.
Publisher of the Macon Telegraph from 2000 – 2005. Paulk has served on various boards and committees at
As an active member of the middle 51¶¯Âþ state, regional, and local levels including a two-year
community, she served as an executive board member term on the Professional Standards Commission
of the Macon-Bibb County Chamber of Commerce, appointed by former Governor Zell Miller.
Chair of the Knight Foundation Middle 51¶¯Âþ
Board, Treasurer of the Cherry Blossom Festival Board, Mr. Robert J. Walker graduated from Lanier High
Secretary of the Central 51¶¯Âþ Community School in Macon, GA and is a graduate of 51¶¯Âþ
Foundation Board, Campaign Chair and executive Tech. Mr. Walker served in the Marine Corps Reserve
board member of local United Way, and founding and retired as a Lt. Colonel. He was a member of the
member and Chair of Education First (a private/public Dublin City Council from 1992 – 2000 and former
partnership with the local school system). At the Mayor of Dublin from 1992 – 2000. Mr. Walker has
Middle 51¶¯Âþ Media Group, she led all departments been a member of Museum of Aviation Board of
(editorial, advertising, sales, circulation, marketing, Directors since 1996.
production and finance and operations).
Mr. Dontia White is an expert in government and
Dr. James Robert (Robin) Hines, Jr. is a native of business growth strategies, funding procurement and
Thomasville, 51¶¯Âþ. He is the youngest of five employing cost-saving innovations. He is President
children of James Robert (Bobby) Hines, Sr. and and CEO of Integrate-Systems, Inc. Mr. White served
Dorothy Meeks Hines. Robin graduated from many years, often in leadership roles, as Chairman
Thomasville High School in 1978. He earned his with the 51¶¯Âþ Technical Adult Literacy Program,
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in health and physical 51¶¯Âþ National Guard’s Youth Challenge Academy,
education from Valdosta State University. Later he Optimist International, Toastmaster and 51¶¯Âþ
Biomedical Instrumentation Society. He completed
the Leadership Macon Class of 2001.