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More of Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s Kappa Sigma colony members at a Cochran Campus event. JAMES TIDWELL
“Fraternities and sororities will be great for Members planned other service projects for the
Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State,” Lords said. “It’s not like a rest of the term.
student club. Once you’re initiated in a fraternity,
you’re in for life.” “Fraternities are not one big party,” Lords said.
“Part of their mission is encouraging service to
The University’s Office of Student Affairs began others.”
working to establish Greek Life last fall. Kappa
Sigma was the first to establish a colony. Other The Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State colony is attracting a
Greek organizations – Kappa Delta and Sigma diverse group.
Gamma Rho sororities and Phi Beta Sigma and
Alpha Phi Alpha fraternities – are at varying David Arnold, 24, of Eastman is a freshman
stages of gauging student interest at Middle General Studies major. Having put off college
51¶ŻÂţ State. after high school while running two businesses, he
saw the fraternity as a way to make friends
Greek Life is based on the Cochran Campus, quickly. It astonished him that “K-Sig” men he'd
which has adequate student housing to accommo- never met treated him like a lifelong friend the
date it, but participation is open to all Middle first time he wore his fraternity pin to an event.
51¶ŻÂţ State students.
“It’s true, there’s no shortage of camaraderie,”
“Joining a Greek organization can connect and said Arnold, whose frat brothers rag him about
engage students with new friends and help them the multicolored socks he likes to wear.
learn how to be leaders, serve the community and
maintain a strong network after graduation,” said A junior Psychology major, Sheldon Doyle of
Dr. Jennifer Brannon, Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s vice Atlanta, joined the colony to “broaden my hori-
president for Student Affairs. “For years we’ve had zons.”
students express interest in establishing Greek
Life, and after careful consideration we decided to “I’ve met people and experienced some
move forward.” different things,” said Doyle, 21, who plays for the
Knights football club. “I like knowing I’ll be a
Greek organizations sometimes get a bad rap, Founding Father and making history. (Future
with stories of hazing and other misdeeds students) will know that we were the ones who
garnering wide attention. Perhaps less known are started Kappa Sigma at Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State.”
the abundant service requirements of most
fraternities and sororities. Lords believes Greek Life will expand the
University’s student recruitment base.
Early in spring semester, Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s
Kappa Sigma colony members organized a “If you have a solid Greek presence,” he said,
cleanup and landscaping project at the Cochran “people will come, because they want to be a part
Police Department and hosted a 5K on the Macon of it.”
Campus to benefit the Wounded Warrier Project.
Learn more about Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s efforts to
establish Greek Life at: