





Page 18 - MGA_Today_Spring_2016
P. 18

By Sheron Smith

 Abit of serendipity gave Tanner Lords the                                 Kappa Sigma is the largest college social fraternity
                 chance to continue a tradition the men in                 in the world with more than 200,000 living
                  his family prize.                                        members, including more 20,000 undergraduates
         His grandfather, father and uncle all pledged                     and 320 chapters and colonies located throughout
       Kappa Sigma Fraternity while students at the                        the U.S. and Canada. Founded in 1869 at the
       University of Utah in their hometown of Salt Lake                   University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma International
       City. Lords might have followed exactly in their                    Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Va.
       footsteps, but his father’s job as a dentist for the
       Veterans Administration Medical Center relocatedt
       the family to Dublin, Ga.

         After graduating from Dublin High School,
       where he was a standout athlete, Lords looked at
       college options close to home. He enrolled at one
       area institution, never warming to it. Eventually,
       he transferred to Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State and
       learned Kappa Sigma was the first social fraternity
       establishing a presence at the University.

         “I’m a legacy,” said Lords, 23, referring to a
       pledge whose parents or siblings belonged to the
       same Greek organization. “Of course I wanted to
       get involved.”

         Lords, a junior majoring in Business, is the
       general manager/president of Middle 51¶ŻÂţ
       State's new Kappa Sigma colony. The other
       officers are Chris Hunt, vice president; Mitch
       Weintraub, treasurer; Kaleb Zhang, grand scribe;
       and K.J. Jang, grand master of ceremonies.

         As a probationary group, a colony must build
       toward certain membership and service goals
       before the national organization charters it as an
       official chapter. About 30 men are part of Middle
       51¶ŻÂţ State’s Kappa Sigma colony, and they will
       make up the “Founding Fathers” of the eventual

         Henry Whitfield, director of the Cochran and
       Eastman campuses and a Kappa Sigma alumni, is
       staff advisor to the colony. Chan Jones, a Cochran
       businessman and associate’s degree graduate of
       the former Middle 51¶ŻÂţ College, is alumni
       advisor. He joined Kappa Sigma while attending
       51¶ŻÂţ College.

                                             Article continues on page 20

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