Online SSC Resources
General Resources for All Students
Student Success Center Videos:
- (Fall 2022)
- (Fall 2024)
- (Fall 2020)
- (Summer 2021)
- (Summer 2021)
- (Spring 2023)
- (Spring 2023)
- (Spring 2023)
- (Spring 2023)
- (Spring 2023)
- (Fall 2024)
- (Fall 2024)
- (Spring 2021)
- (Spring 2021)
- (Spring 2024)
- (Spring 2022)
- - How to Book a Tutoring Appointment (Updated August, 2024)
- (November 2020)
- (June 6, 2024)
- (June 10, 2024)
Academic Success Coaching
- (Steven Grafton and Laura Stewart)
- College Jargon - college terminology with definitions
- GPA Calculator
- - Univeristy of Pittsburgh
- - tutorials on a variety of subjects
- - free typing lessons
- 10 Steps In Learning To Learn.pdf
- ABCs of Studying.pdf
- Advanced Study Skills: 20 Tips
- Effective Textbook Study Strategy.pdf
- Getting Started on a Large Project.pdf
- Managing Your Time Effectively.pdf
- Notetaking.pdf
- Preparing for and Taking Tests.pdf
- Study Resources.pdf
- - sample questions
- - including GRE, PRAXIS, and LSAT
- GRE Workshop Quantitative Reasoning Prep
Tutor Information
Resources for Business Students
MGA Course/Program Specific Resources:
- Resources for Business Statistics (MGMT 3101)
Resources for Computing/Mathematics Students
General Resources:
- Math Mnemonics Manual - developed by Landon Derr
- - developed by MGA Math Faculty
Linux Distributions for Information Technology Students:
- (Penetration Testing Linux Distribution)
- (Debian/Ubuntu Based Linux Distribution)
- (Debian Based Linux Distribution)
- (Debian Based Linux Distribution)
Resources for Game Development:
Resources for Linux:
- (automating tasks)
- (/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf)
- (Symbolic and Octal Notation)
- (Look up Linux Command Line (CLI) Commands etc.)
- (Basic Commands for the Vi Text Editor)
Resources for Mac:
Resources for Networking:
Resources for Programming:
- (Online Web tutorials including many programming languages)
Resources for Web Devlopment:
- (Powerful Text Editor for Microsoft Windows Platforms)
- (Tips, Tricks, and How-to)
- (Also CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Other Programming Languages)
- (MGA School of Computing Department of Intormation Technology)
Resources for Windows:
- (hashing files (md5sum, SHA1, etc.))
- (for Windows Command Prompt (CMD))
Resources for Virtualization:
- (Virtualization Software)
Resources for Education Students
Resources for English/Humanities Students
General Resources:- - A WONDERFUL online resource for writers!
Resources for Foreign Language Students
General Resources for all Language Students
Resources for Spanish Students (Recursos para estudiantes Españoles):
General Resources:
- (Teach language through fun activities and games)
- - A non-profit radio network with Latino control and leadership.
- (
- (
Resources for French Students (Ressources pour les étudiants de Français):
General Resources:
- - A Graduate Journal of French and Francophone Studies - Department of French Studies, Brown University
- Listen to these radio stations on the go:
- (for intermediate levels; listening comprehension activities)
- Read the following newspapers and magazines to improve your French:
Resources for Nursing and Health Sciences Students
- (A&P II, peer tutor video)
- (A&P II, peer tutor video)
- (A&P II, peer tutor video)
- (peer tutor video)
- Cat Dissection Videos
Resources for Natural Sciences and Chemistry Students
Chemistry Basics:
Resources for CHEM 1211 Students:
- Significant Figures
- Nomenclature and Compounds
- Balancing Equations
- Aqueous Reations
- Determination of Formulas from Analysis
- Stoichiometry
- Electron Configuration
- Wavelength and Frequency
- Calorimetry
- Lewis Structures
- Sample Exam Problems
Resources for CHEM 1212 Students:
- Solution Problems
- Kinetics Problems
- Equilibrium Problems
- Relationships in Acids/Bases
- Acid/Base Problems
- Salt Problems
- Buffer Problems
- Titrations
- Solubility Problems
- Electrochemistry