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Persevering In A Pandemic / 4 Vol. 26 · No. 1
Adapting to unprecedented challenges, 51 found ways SPRING 2021
to be resilient, creative, and engaging as the MGA community worked to support MGA Today is produced by University
students pursuing their degrees in an unsettling time. Marketing and Communications
and is circulated to supporters
of 51.
MGA Launches First Doctorate / 12 PReSIdeNt
Christopher Blake, Ph.D.
The University begins offering the Doctor of Science in Information Technology
this summer. MGA FouNdAtIoN BoARd oF tRuSteeS
Stephen J. Daugherty, Chairman
Capital Projects Enhance J. T. Ricketson, Vice Chairman
Christina O’Brien, Secretary
MGA Campuses / 14 Julie Davis, Interim Executive Director
Butch Kirkley II, Treasurer
Thanks to project-based state and local funding, Middle 51
trustees At-Large
State now boasts a newly renovated library on the Cochran Katherine Allgood
Campus, expanded nursing labs on the Dublin Campus, Donald R. Avery
extensive roadwork, including a roundabout, on the Macon Dr. Christopher R.L. Blake
Campus, and much more. Chris Brazell
Charles G. Briscoe
Valeria Cray
Will Curry
Diversity, Inclusion, Dr. Madalyn Davidoff
Robert F. Hatcher, Jr.
Judge Crystal Jones
& Equity / 16 MGA’s focus on diversity, Dr. David M. Kalish
inclusion, and equity is more vital than ever. Keith Lolley
Tom McMichael
Elbert McQueen
Charles Parker
Casey Paulk
SPeCIAL SeCtIoN Foundation / 18 Lauren Roan-Parks
Nikki Paulk
Philip Potter
Rudell Richardson
The MGA Foundation launches the “Building a Legacy of Greatness” campaign,
Tracy Sharkey
establishes scholarships with multiple donors, highlights investments in MGA,
Nancy P. Stroud
and much more.
Scott Thompson
Pat Topping
Bob Walker
Dr. Fred Williams
On the Cover • Once in-person classes resumed, wearing face coverings and
social distancing where possible became a way of life at MGA during the COVID We would appreciate your feedback
pandemic. But students adapted admirably. Shown L-R on MGA’s Cochran Campus on this issue, as well as your suggestions
in the newly renovated Roberts Library are Christopher Spence, 20, an aviation for content in future issues.
science and management major; Carson Waters, 19, a business administration major;
and Caroline Thrower, 18, a business administration major. Photo by Maryann bates. design
Burt&Burt, Macon, Ga.
About MGA • 51 educates and graduates
inspired, lifelong learners whose scholarship and careers enhance the region @MGAstateU
through professional leadership, innovative partnerships, and community Middle51StateUniversity
engagement. MGA’s four core values are Stewardship, Engagement, Adaptability,
and Learning. @mgastateu