Page 31 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
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Knights Athletics Association Armors Up MGA Foundation News
T he inaugural year for the Knights We are grateful for the generous sponsors and
Athletics Association (KAA) was extraor- individuals who became charter members of the
dinary, marking the beginning of a new KAA and for the leadership of the Athletics
era for Middle 51¶¯Âþ State’s athletic programs. Association Board.
Led by a 15-member board, the KAA is Building on an excellent athletic legacy,
committed to creating opportunities for MGA’s MGA’s student-athletes are demonstrating success
student-athletes by providing the necessary every day in the classroom, on the field and as
financial support to become athletic and they participate in giving back to our
academic champions. Last year, more than communities. Visit the Knights website,
$150,000 was invested by Knights fans and, to learn more about becoming
sponsors to support MGA’s ten varsity sports, a member of the KAA, see game schedules, and
three club sports or the general athletic fund. keep up with news. â–
Student-Athlete Spotlight: Franziska Nobis – Women’s Tennis
Franzi, as she is referred to by teammates and coaches, is a
sophomore at MGA from Germany. The lefty came to MGA for
the 2017-18 season and was part of the SSAC Co-Champions in
the regular season and finished the season ranked #13 after
an appearance in the NAIA National Tournament. In 2018-19,
Franzi became a 2-sport student-athlete when she joined
cross country in the fall. Currently 5-1 in doubles and 2-2
in singles this spring, Franzi carries a 4.0 GPA, embody-
ing the true meaning of student-athlete.
Spring 2019 MGA TODAY 31