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MGA Foundation News                                                     Submit Nominations for
                                                                        the 2019 Outstanding Alumnus
                        Kaitlin Hinson                                  Award by June 1, 2019

                     MGA Alumni Association                             	 51 Founda-
                     Appoints New Board Members,                        tion established the Outstanding Alumnus Award
                     Installs New President                             to recognize graduates who have distinguished
                                                                        themselves academically, professionally or
                     	 The MGA Alumni Association Board of              through community involvement, and achieved
                     Directors has elected nine new members and         positions of influence and regional or national
                     installed Kaitlin Hinson, J.D. ’10 as the board    reputation.
                     president, Kim Johnson ’10, as the board vice      	 The Alumni Association Board of Directors
                     president, and Colin Penndorf ’16, as the board    solicits nominations for the awards from all mem-
                     secretary. A 21-member volunteer board governs     bers of the University community. A committee
                     the MGA Alumni Association.                        of Alumni Board members reviews the submitted
                     	 During their three-year term, Alumni Board       materials and selects those candidates who are
                     members work to increase the visibility of Middle  deemed most deserving of recognition and whose
                     51 State University, strengthen the school’s  achievements most closely fit the category for
                     alumni network, and assist the school with         which they have been nominated.
                     student recruitment, career services, and alumni   	 Fill out and submit the official nomination
                     relations activities.                              form online at www.mga.edu/foundation/alumni-
                     	 Hinson announced, “I am pleased to welcome       award.
                     our newest members to our MGA Alumni
                     Association Board of Directors. They each have     1884 Giving Society
                     a unique background, with diverse experiences
                     that make them an asset to the Alumni Board of     	 51 has a history
                     Directors and to the institution as a whole.”      that is unlike most other institutions of higher
                     	 The newly elected members are David Danzie       education in the United States. Not only is it
                     ’05, Julie Dickson ’93, Joshua Ivey ’13, Elijah    51’s newest university as of July 2015, but it
                     Maurice ’15, Mallory Miller ’12, Kasey M. Osborn   is also one of 51’s oldest institutions,
                     ’13, Mandy Stella ’09, Vanessa Svensson ’06, and   established in 1884.
                     Ashley Turner ’12.                                 	 Join our 1884 Giving Society to honor our
                     	 Interested in serving on the board? Contact      rich heritage. With $18.84 a month, $226 a year,
                     the Alumni Office at 478-471-2732 or alumni@       your gift will directly impact our areas of great-
                     mga.edu                                            est needs for MGA. Join other alumni as we work
                                                                        together for Middle 51 State students – to
                                                                        challenge every student to identify and pursue a
                                                                        life of meaning and purpose.
                                                                        	 There are 4,437 alumni who graduated
                                                                        between 2013 and 2017. If each graduate joined
                                                                        the 1884 Giving Society at the minimum $226
                                                                        per year, it would generate more than $1 million
                                                                        in support of our students. Just imagine what we
                                                                        could do! For more information visit https://

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