





Page 28 - MGATODAY-Spring2019
P. 28

MGA Foundation News

                     2018 President’s Gala & Silent
                     Auction Raises $115,000
                     T hank you, thank you, thank you to
                              everyone who attended the 2018              bachelor’s degree in business, this has not always
                              President’s Gala. The Foundation’s          been the case. He told the audience “getting to the
                     signature event, presented by Sheridan               point where I am today was not an easy journey.”
                     Construction, raised $115,000 to benefit MGA         Sanders went away to an Atlanta-area college
                     students. This year’s gala was meaningful to         when he was 18. Fresh out of high school and
                     everyone who attended, but especially to those       away from home, he ventured away from his
                     who contributed $25,000 to student scholarships      studies and ended the year failing more classes
                     through the live auction.                            than he passed. After taking a year off, he enrolled
                     	 The annual gala is a black-tie affair providing    at 51¶ŻÂţ and found
                     an evening of fun, laughter, food, and entertain-    his path to greatness. He credits his success to
                     ment. The high point of this year’s event, which     his mom, involvement on campus, student
                     left a lasting impression on all who attended, were  clubs, and the genuine care and concern of his
                     the words from one of our students, James            professors and the staff at Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State.
                     Sanders. Even though Sanders is on the road to       The message he imparted to students is “where
                     success with plans to graduate in May with his       you are today does not determine where you will
                                                                          be tomorrow.” ■

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