





Page 23 - MGATODAY-Spring2018_lr
P. 23

Talk about the professors who made a differ-          other teachers were also wonderful and helpful! The      Outstanding Alumna
ence during your time at MGA. I really enjoyed        entire program was a great experience. 
my time at Macon State (now MGA) and believe          	 Upon graduation, I was so impressed that so
the teachers and advisors are the best around. I had  many teachers were willing to help me with my job
taken several classes at accredited schools before I  search. This was so amazing to me! Some keep in
came to 51¶¯Âþ and had trouble transferring my       touch even now. You won’t find that commitment
credits, until I arrived at MGA. As soon as I walked  anywhere else!
into my appointment with Professor Bill Hervey, he
personally went through my unofficial transcripts     Why do you support MGA? There are a number
and narrowed down what needed to happen within        of organizations that ask me for support but Middle
10 minutes. Everything he said was true – no          51¶¯Âþ State is the one that I look back on fondly,
surprises when it was time to graduate.               and the one to which I chose to donate. It is a special
	 Professor Hervey was always willing to              kind of place with great advisors and teachers who
listen and help whenever possible. He consistently    deserve to work for a school that has a great athletic
found ways to add value to the program and the        program!  It may have been a smaller school and
student experience. He advised me on so many          it may have been a long drive for me, but it was so
situations!! It was through his recommendation        much better than any of my other choices. As an
that I went on to earn my MSN at Augusta State.       extra bonus, I made several good friends there along
Although he was especially amazing – I found the      the way!	 ■

 Awarding Scholarships to                             who are working full-time and taking a full class
 Students Brings Special Joy                          load, first generation students, traditional fresh-
 to MGA Foundation                                    men, veterans, dual-enrolled high school students,
                                                      and more.
One of the great joys of being part of the            	 Want to honor or memorialize a special person
          51¶¯Âþ             – family member, friend, mentor – by setting up
          Foundation is the chance to interact with   an annual named scholarship? It’s easy and can be
  MGA students. This spring, the Foundation hosted    accomplished in a few days. An annual donation of
  the annual Scholarship Awards reception on the      $1,500 and a list of the scholarship requirements
  University’s Warner Robins Campus. Many of the      (required GPA, major, etc.) are needed to complete
  students who received scholarships got the          the process. The MGA Foundation is here to help!
  opportunity to meet with donors who make the        	 Contact Dr. Ken L. Fincher at ken.fincher@
  scholarships possible.                              mga.edu or call him at 478.471.2732. Make a
  	 Each MGA scholarship recipient has a unique       difference in the life of an MGA student today,
  story. Scholarship awardees include single moms     then come join us next spring as we gather again
                                                      to celebrate our scholars and donors!


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