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the Cochran Campus after his dual-enrollment        graduating high school. Many do, but Schuyler
classes are over for the day. He’s a member of the  also takes pride in their success if they transfer to
high school’s cross-country and baseball teams.     51¶ŻÂţ’s highest-tiered research universities or
	 He’s another student who hopes to attend          elsewhere to complete bachelor’s degrees.
UGA, and Murkerson said he appreciates getting      	 “MGA is recognized as an outstanding
an early taste of college through dual enrollment.  feeder school by other universities,” she said.
	 “I love the freedom you have taking college       “Our dual-enrollees who take four or more classes
classes,” he said.                                  each semester are held to the exact same standards
	 Many dual-enrollment students at MGA also         as any student at UGA or 51¶ŻÂţ Tech. Our
love the support the University provides through    faculty are superb instructors and our courses are
tutoring, study skills workshops, and other         comparable to courses at those top-tier schools.”
services.                                           	 Many dual-enrollment students end up being
	 “You can’t fail unless you just want to,” said    some of MGA’s best recruiters, even if they
Johnson, the Rutland High senior. “There’s so       themselves plan to transfer to other universities.
much help here you almost can’t take advantage      	 “I’m committed to going out of town to
of all of it.”                                      college but I tell my friends they should consider
	 Schuyler, the MGA admissions office               Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State if they are still thinking
representative, makes herself available to dual-    about where to go,” Johnson said. “It’s beautiful,
enrollment students and their parents seven days    the tuition is low, and the professors are
a week. She encourages the students to consider     awesome.”
continuing on at Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State after

Why Wait?                                                 Want to start college
                                                          while still in high school?

                                                    If you’ve never taken dual-enrollment courses at
                                                    MGA, contact Maggie Schuyler, assistant
                                                    director of Admissions, at (478) 471-2725 or

                                                    If you’re a continuing dual-enrollment student,
                                                    contact Brian Warren, coordinator of Dual Enrollment
                                                    at (478) 934-3177 or brian.warren@mga.edu.
                                                    Warren is also the primary contact for students and
                                                    parents specifically interested in 51¶ŻÂţ Academy,
                                                    MGA’s residential program for dually enrolled
                                                    students that is based on the Cochran Campus.


Some of Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s current 51¶ŻÂţ Academy students volunteered earlier this year to help out with tornado relief efforts
in Albany, Ga. Students of the 51¶ŻÂţ Academy live on Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s Cochran Campus and work on associate’s degrees while
simultaneously completing high school. On page 22 are some photos of successful 51¶ŻÂţ Academy alumni who recently gathered in
Atlanta for a reunion hosted by MGA’s Alumni Affairs office. SUSAN COLLINS

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