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L-R: Ciara Roberts, 15, and Emalyn Gernert, 15, are
among the Hawkinsville High students taking dual-enroll-
ment classes on Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s Cochran Campus.
“It’s more work than I’m used to but it’s manageable,
and totally worth it,” said Gernert, who is still deciding
on her major. Roberts wants to become an art therapist
and hopes to enroll at Penn State. SHERON SMITH
DISCIPLINE AND MOTIVATION Talton shows up at 8 a.m. every day, Monday
through Friday, to study at MGA’s Macon
Aside from their obvious youth, MGA’s dual- Campus library, which he enjoys because it’s
enrollment students stand out in several ways. “quiet and peaceful.” On days he has the classes
All are bright and academically driven, and most that he still takes at Westside, he’ll study until
demonstrate a level of discipline and motivation about 11 a.m. before heading to the high school.
nearly equal to that of accomplished adults. On days he doesn’t have Westside classes, he
“My schoolwork has always been my pride camps out at the library until he has to leave for 3
and joy,” said Kaitlyn Johnson, 17, a Rutland High p.m. football practice.
senior who takes all of her MGA classes with her The discipline is paying off in his consistently
friend Cohen. “I’ve always worked hard to stay on good grades, especially in math. Talton hopes
top of things.” to attend 51¶ŻÂţ Tech to major in engineering,
Besides her full-time dual enrollment, although he hasn’t decided on a specialty.
Johnson, who is considering a career in graphic “In order to do well, you have to put yourself
design but hasn’t settled on a college major, works on a schedule,” he said. “If you do that you should
part-time at Starbucks and still participates in get pretty good results.”
Rutland High activities, including the Beta Club. Talton also spends nearly every Saturday
Like Cohen, who works at McAllister’s Deli morning at the Macon Campus Recreation &
part-time, Johnson will graduate from Rutland in Wellness Center, which he’s entitled to use as a
spring 2018 and have about two years of college dual-enrollment student. He usually plays
already completed. basketball or video games with friends.
The two friends hope to enroll at UGA in fall “That’s my leisure time,” he said.
2018 and live in the same dorm, if not the same Bryce Murkerson, 15, one of the Hawkins-
room. ville High sophomores who rides the bus, gets
“I think Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State is preparing us in cardio workouts at the Wellness Center on
well for UGA,” Cohen said.