





Page 14 - MGATODAY-Fall2017_lr
P. 14

Here are most of the MGA students, along with faculty/staff leaders, who visited the Dominican          MGA’S PIONEERING
Republic in May 2017 as part of the first Knights Impact international experience. They are aboard the  KNIGHTS IMPACT
Adonia, a Fathom cruise line ship specifically designated for “social impact” travel. SHERON SMITH      PARTICIPANTS
                                                                                                        Jamia Orange
                                                                                                        Stevanie Lester
                                                                                                        Charlita Wynn
                                                                                                        Esmeralda Labra
                                                                                                        Sidney Clark
                                                                                                        Garrett Steve Stone
                                                                                                        Chanel Dominique Rhodes
                                                                                                        Jasmine K. Collier
                                                                                                        Cassidy Laurin Bass
                                                                                                        Kelitha Silien
                                                                                                        LaTrina Hill
                                                                                                        Lenora Rozier
                                                                                                        Victoria Klingler
                                                                                                        Tasha Gordon
                                                                                                        Edson Silva
                                                                                                        LeeZa Solomon
                                                                                                        Keiah Williams
                                                                                                        Corjenay Denise Stuart
                                                                                                        Chandre’ Leon Mells
                                                                                                        Moreh Joy Jackson
                                                                                                        Shanquel Lashae Askew
                                                                                                        Constance E. Jamison
                                                                                                        William Joseph Campbell IV
                                                                                                        Moriah Grace Jackson

of a variety of English words, starting with items     Chandre Mells, 20, a junior business major from Hinesville, takes a
in the classroom, such as “desk,” “table,” “teacher,”  selfie after helping members of a Dominican family with their English
“blackboard,” “backpack,” and “drawing.”               skills. Tutoring took place in schools and in private homes.
	 With the aid of a workbook designed for
the occasion, Silva also guided Angelica in using      Many of the MGA students stood out among
the words in written sentences. The two quickly        the passengers, not only for the purple Knights
bonded and acknowledged success with the               t-shirts they frequently wore but for their exuber-
occasional fist bump.                                  ance.
	 “She’s pretty advanced,” said Silva, who speaks      	 “I’d never been out of my state,” Charlita
some self-taught Spanish. “She’s helping me with       Wynn, 24, who just graduated from MGA with
my Spanish as much as I’m teaching her English.”       a Health Services Administration degree, said at
	 Angelica told Silva she wants to be a doctor         a trip debriefing open to all of the ship’s pas-
and thinks learning English is beneficial to that      sengers. “This is my first cruise. I can’t swim and
goal.                                                  I’m afraid of heights. But it has been worth every
	 “It’s wonderful to see children who can              penny I spent to be here. Now I’m wondering
already speak a foreign language,” said Silva, a       what comes next.”
Marine Corps veteran and former banker
preparing for a new career in nursing home
administration. “That’s very humbling to me as
an American.”


	 Besides Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State students, the
impact travel cruise included students from
several other colleges and universities, church
groups and other folks looking for a more mean-
ingful experience than a typical leisure cruise.

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