How do I find articles in GALILEO?
GALILEO is a collection of over 200 electronic databases that index thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Full text is available for many of the articles, although full text will not be available for every article you find.
You can start your search from the Find Articles: GALILEO link on the Library’s webpage. If you use the search box on the opening GALILEO page, you will be searching all of GALILEO's databases at once, plus some extra materials (like Library ebooks).
If you want a more focused search, you can choose a specific database from GALILEO's Databases A to Z link.
Not sure which specific database to choose? Try the Library's . Each Guide has suggested databases for your particular subject.
How do I find a book on my topic?
On the Library's web page, click either on the "Find Books: GIL-Find" button. Then enter your topic keywords. Remember, when you're looking for books, go broad and use keywords sparingly. (Example: If you want books to "discuss the criminal aspects of drug abuse" you might just type in "drugs and crime."
If you see a book in the result list that you're interested in, look for its location. If it's a print (physical) book,you'll be able to see the MGA campus it's on, the floor and section of the Library, and the call number. Click "Get It" for more details or request options. If it's an electronic book (ebook) there will be a "View It" button with a link to view the book. If you're off campus, you will need to log in with your MGA email user name and email password to view the full text of the ebook.
If we don't have a suitable book on your topic, we might be able to get book(s) for you through or , if you are a current student or faculty/staff member.
How do I find a book or article my professor put on reserve for my course?
Course reserves are additional materials put on reserve by the faculty. Reserve items may be physical (print/film) or electronic.
Ask for physical or print/film items at your campus Library's Circulation Desk. The check-out period for physical reserves varies at the request of the instructor. Course textbooks may be on reserve at the discretion of the instructor. The Library does not purchase textbooks to put on reserve. Students not returning items within the allotted time will incur a $1.00 per day fine.
Electronic reserves are available 24/7 and you will never be charged a late fee. You can search for reserve items in the Library's online catalog, . Click on the purple "Course Reserves" tab to search for specific items. In order to access these reserves you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader as well as the password supplied by your instructor. The Library does not have these passwords. If you have trouble viewing the electronic files, you may want to try Internet Explorer. We have found that problems may occur when trying to view electronic reserves with other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox.
How do I get books or articles sent to me from other libraries?
For books, first try .
For books or articles, we also have an service. Please note: InterLibrary Loan cannot be used to request textbooks.
Current students, faculty, or staff may use these services and there is no fee.