Withdrawal FAQs
Can I withdraw from a Learning Support Course?
Students with learning support requirements who are enrolled in both LS courses and credit courses may withdraw from the required LS course and remain in credit courses. Because specific rules apply to this policy, students must see an advisor before withdrawing for complete details.
How do I receive a refund for withdrawing?
Refunds for complete withdrawal from the college are made on a pro-rata basis based on the total number of calendar days in the session. Refunds are made until 60% of the session is complete. The detailed schedule of pro-rata refund percentages by date and part-of-term is available on the refund policy Bursar's link.
I need to medically withdraw from a class or classes?
If the last day to withdraw from a class deadline has not passed, follow normal withdrawal procedures.
See the Drop/Add and Withdrawal Instructions. The request will be processed using the submission date for the course withdrawal. If after the withdrawal deadline, documentation substantiating the reason for the request must be submitted along with a
Medical or Hardship Withdrawal Form located on the documents site. Examples of documentation: physician statement and signature on office letterhead; occupational documents; copy of obituary, with proof of relationship to deceased; etc. Partial withdrawal is not an option. If a hardship or medical withdrawal is granted, the student will be withdrawn from all classes enrolled and will receive a grade of "W" for each class. Request and documentation must be submitted within the semester of withdrawal prior to posting of grades for the semester/session, and the student must be passing all courses at time of withdrawal.
What is the difference between dropping a course and withdrawing from a course?
R efer to the MGA Academic Calendar and for the Drop/Add periods and Withdrawal deadlines. Schedule changes without penalty may only occur during the Drop/Add period. A decision to drop a class past the Drop/Add period will be processed as a withdrawal. Withdrawing from a course does not decrease the amount of billable credit hours. Through the withdrawal deadline, you may withdraw without academic penalty (W grade notated on transcript); after that, a withdrawal carries the same academic consequence as an F (WF grade notated on transcript). Students are limited to five withdrawals without academic penalty.
When is the last day to withdraw from a course without academic penalty?
R efer to the MGA Academic Calendar and for the Withdrawal deadlines. Through the withdrawal deadline, you may withdraw without academic penalty (W grade notated on transcript); after that, a withdrawal carries the same academic consequence as an F (WF grade notated on transcript). Students are limited to five withdrawals without academic penalty (W grade notated on transcript).