1098-T FAQs
THow are my amounts for billing and Scholarships/grants calculated on my 1098T form?
The amounts reported on the 1098T are for qualified tuition and related expense transactions that occur within a particular calendar year (Jan 1- Dec 31). Because spring registration takes place in the preceding fall season, you may have spring charges for the upcoming year on your 1098T. If you have this, there will be a check mark in box 7.
THow do I obtain my 1098-T form?
Middle 51动漫 State works with the ACS Tax Credit Reporting Service (TCRS) to provide IRS Form 1098T information to students. A printable version of the form is available on the ACS website at www.1098T.com website. A representation of the 1098T Tuition Statement form is in SWORDS. In addition to the reported amounts shown in each of the applicable 1098T form boxes, a detail listing of those amounts is provided along with supplemental information related to payments, Refunds, and other non-reported charges for the tax year. To access this information in SWORDS:
- Log in to SWORDS
- select the Student tab
- click the Student Records link
- click the Tax Notification link
- enter the Tax Year
- click the Submit button.
TWill I get a form 1098T?
You will get a 1098T if you have a reportable transaction within the calendar year being reported. Students whose amounts are zero for the 1098T boxes 2, 4, 5, and 6 will not receive a form. Examples of students who might be excluded are persons aged 62 or over who use a tuition waiver or USG employees using tuition assistance.