Getting Started
How to Access Services at MGA’s Counseling and Accessibility Services Office
- Register with Accessibility Services Office (ASO)
- Visit our web page (/accessibility-services/) or office to obtain the following forms: Intake Form, Release of Information Form (if applicable) and MGA Documentation Guidelines.
- Complete the Intakeand Release forms (if applicable) and obtain documentation of your disability(ies) from an appropriate licensed professional who is qualified to make the diagnosis. Documentation must meet the 51动漫 Documentation Guidelines.
- The Intake Appointment
- At the intake appointment, generally lasting about one hour, documentation, appropriate reasonable accommodations and services will be addressed and other necessary forms will be completed. Submit completed forms and appropriate documentation to Accessibility Services at this time. Students will be assigned an Accessibility Service Provider (ASP) who will be their direct contact at ASP throughout their academic career. Policies and procedures will be explained and provided to the student in writing. Other appropriate university and community resources may also be presented. Students are eligible to receive services and accommodations after completing the intake process. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive.
- Determination of Qualifying Disability
- Review of Intake Form, Release of Information Form and accessibility documentation will begin once both the completed forms and accessibility documentation have been received by the ASP. (Review is typically completed within approximately five to seven business days.)
- Students will be notified of whether their documentation meets MGA criteria after a determination has been made.
- If documentation does not meet the criteria, the student will be informed of the specific additional information that must be obtained and submitted. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the medical professional, obtain any required additional information and assure that it is received by their ASP.
- Semester Accommodations Verification and Accommodation Letters
- Once eligible for accommodations, students must provide their ASP with a copy of their semester schedule at the beginning of every semester enrolled. Accommodation Letters for professors will be delivered via email on students’ behalf immediately following.
- As needed, ASP’s will review the students’ records, verify contact information, address important upcoming dates and/or relate helpful information. Students may also use this time to address problems, ask questions, or request information.
- A separate appointment may be recommended by the ASP should student concerns warrant it. To be determined by ASP.
- Once Accommodation Letters have been received, students should schedule appointments with all their current professors to verify receipt of Accommodation Letters and to discuss approved accommodations as needed.