Faculty and Staff Resources
The following information may prove useful for faculty who have disability-related concerns.
Disability and the Law
Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 covers institutions receiving federal funds. It prohibits institutions from discrimination against "otherwise qualified" individual with disabilities. A qualified individual with a disability is a person who, with reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential functions of a job or school curriculum. An individual with a disability is defined as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or regarded as having such impairment.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) supports the same standards as Section 504, but extends to both public and private facilities, services, programs, activities, telecommunications, transportation, and other miscellaneous provisions. The ADA defines a qualified individual with a disability as an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable modifications to rules, policies or practices, the removal of architectural communication, or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets the essential eligibility requirements for the receipt of services or the participation in programs or activities provided by a public entity.
Developing Accessible Documents and Web Content
Access the link below for a tutorial comprised of 10 modules that offer information, instructional techniques, and practice labs on how to make online materials and distance education accessible for individuals with disabilities, and to enhance the usability of online materials for all students.
Students with disabilities vary considerably: even those with the same disability.
- Some students with visual impairments have no vision; others are able to see large forms; others can see print if magnified; and still others have tunnel vision with no peripheral vision or the reverse.
- Some students with visual impairments use Braille, and some have little or no knowledge of Braille.
- Students who are deaf are often expected to use sign language; however, some students who are deaf do not use sign language.
- Some students with learning disabilities have difficulty with reading and writing but excel in math. Others can read and write well and perform math problems well, but their pace is below that of an average student.
Since students with disabilities vary so much, when they come to you to discuss accommodations, ask them about instructional strategies that might be helpful to them.
Students do not have to tell you the nature of their disability.
As you probably already know, most of the students that come to you requesting accommodations have invisible disabilities. Some will choose to tell you, but many may choose not to discuss the specifics of their disability. What they have been instructed to do is to self-advocate and make requests for accommodations. Some will want to discuss their disability and not request accommodations. Accommodations may not be needed in every class. Please note that although a disability is invisible, those who provide you with a proctor sheet or a letter verifying accommodations have a diagnosed disability. Accessibility Services has documentation that verifies the disability.
Students with disabilities vary in their academic success.
You need to expect that some students with disabilities using accommodations will get A’s on every test whereas some may fail every test. Just because a student gets A’s doesn't mean that student doesn't need accommodations.
There are often special considerations when instructing students with disabilities. The following instructional considerations involve good teaching practices that may be helpful to all students in the class.
- Practice universal design for learning: Universal design for learning is an approach to designing course instruction, materials, evaluation, activities, and content in such a way that all persons can participate in the educational process without adaptation or retrofitting. Using this concept as a design for instruction, accommodations would likely not be necessary because options for learning and evaluation are available to anyone participating in a class. This approach to teaching and learning is an ideal, but incorporating some aspect of this instructional approach may be feasible as well has helpful to students.
- Make sure web-enhanced instruction is accessible: If any of your classroom instruction is on the web, check with the Technology Support Center at 478.471.2023 to make sure that your instruction is accessible.
- Collaborate and take responsibility in your role in providing accommodations: Provide opportunities to meet with students, fill out proctor sheets, assist in getting note takers, provide Accessibility Services with exam information when requested, and consult.
- Be responsive to the needs of students with specific disabilities.
- Don’t turn your back to a student who is deaf or hard of hearing. S/he may be reading your lips.
- If you have a student who is blind, refrain from vague language such as “look at this” and “examine that.” Use words to describe what you and others see.
- Assist with preferential seating when necessary, and provide students who are blind with orientation to the classroom describing the physical layout of the room including any obstacles, furniture, lecture position, location of steps, or any low-hanging objects.
- Assist with making arrangements for a room change if the room is inaccessible and you have a student who needs an elevator in order to gain access to the classroom. Do not suggest for the student to drop the class. Students must have access to all classes.
- Students with disabilities may have additional helpful suggestions. Most are knowledgeable about their disability, the strategies and accommodations that work for them, and the assistive technology that they use.
- Learning support strategies are helpful to students with learning disabilities, ADHD, head injuries, or other cognitive disorders.
- Particularly helpful are strategies and aids that provide structure. Some examples are a comprehensive syllabus that clearly delineates expectations and due dates; study aids such as study questions, study guides, opportunities for questions and answers; and review sessions to help the student who needs a lot of repetition.
- Be receptive to students meeting with you for clarification during office hours.
- Also, students may ask for assistance in identifying a “study buddy,” another student who is willing to meet regularly to review notes, explain complex materials and provide two-way quizzes.
- Be sensitive to disability-related classroom etiquette.
- If a student has a guide dog, understand that this is a working animal. They must be allowed in the classroom, but do not feed or pet a guide dog.
- Interpreters are in the classroom only to facilitate communication and must not be asked to do other things like run errands, proctor an exam etc. Speak to the student who is deaf and not the interpreter. The interpreter will voice student questions.
- Never discuss disability/accessibility-related arrangements in front of the class unless it’s a situation where there is no chance that the student with a disability will be identified.
Testing Administration Options for Students with Disabilities
The Counseling and Accessibility Services office approves testing accommodations for students, but does NOT proctor exams or quizzes in our office space. Students have been instructed to connect with Testing Services to fulfill these testing accommodations.
- Instructor is responsible for initiating testing accommodation services for student
- To request the services of the testing office, please complete the Faculty Proctor Request form per Testing Services policy.
- For students with extended time, low-distraction environment, and materials accommodations (formula sheet, calculator, speech to text software, etc) please contact Testing Services.
- If your student is approved for a Reader, Scribe, Speech-to-text software, or No Scantron accommodations, please contact their Accessibility Service Provider directly. Your student’s ASO is listed on his/her accommodation letter. You may also ask the student directly to determine his/her ASO.
Please see Testing Accommodations page for more information.
Policy on Providing Information in Alternative Formats:
51动漫 is committed to ensuring effective communication to all individuals, including students with disabilities. In regards to that policy, the university requires that:
- Printed materials are made available in the format stated in student’s accommodation letter (this includes Enlarged Print for testing)
- Film and video be closed captioned
- Programs that sponsor public speakers provide qualified interpreters for people with hearing disabilities when
- Departments and programs establish procedures to respond to requests in a timely
The university also has access to a variety of assistive technology. Please call the Counseling and Accessibility Service at 478.471.2985 for a list of available assistive technology. The needs of the individual with disabilities should be taken into consideration during the design and construction of all web sites and class materials.
Classroom Accommodation Resources
Download the Academic Contract