
How do students receive academic success coaching services?
Academic Success Coaching provides holistic, personalized support for students enrolled at MGA. Therefore, we would like to welcome additional cohorts (first-generation, athletes, academic provision, adult learners, and more) to utilize the services and activities on each campus.

MGAs faculty/staff can make referrals or students can refer themselves to utilize and benefit from the support of a success coach. To refer a student to our academic success coaching staff, please use the Academic Success Coaching .

What happens in a coaching meeting?
Even though a student may join the university with all the strengths and skills needed to be successful, Academic Success Coaches help students to connect with institutional resources, ask powerful questions, reframe to challenge students about their processing of new ideas, participate in goal setting, and encourage/empower them to become an active participant in their academic success.

Where is success coaching located?
Academic Success Coaching is available on each campus, click here for location information.

Are Success Coaches available to coach all MGA students, including first year students?
Academic Success Coaches support an invited cohort of students (athletes, provisional, first-year, and adult learners). Academic Success Coaches will discuss topics such as:

  • Navigating transition and adjustment to being a college student
  • Connecting and utilizing campus resources and support services
  • Being motivated and organized to excel in the virtual environment
  • Balancing personal responsibilities with academic expectations ... and much more!

Using Powerful Questions
A key component to coaching is identifying and providing students with knowledge about their strengths, challenges, and goals. Through reflection, we can assist students with developing an individualized academic action plan (IAAP). This will enable our students to improve and utilize their knowledge, skills, and abilities for achieving success within their academics.

Here are some questions used to help our students:

  • Do you understand the learning style that is most impactful for you to learn information?
  • What is the ultimate goal you desire to achieve by attending college?
  • What do you desire to contribute to your life, family, and/or your community?
  • What valuable lessons, taught by your family, have stayed with you?
  • How do you stay in touch with people who are important to you?
  • How do you get answers to questions about college life?
  • What type of networking and collaborations do you need in your support system to achieve your future goals?

Overall, we desire to work with students and contribute to their success by:

  • Increasing students’ self-awareness and their understanding and appreciation of others
  • Developing students into their full potential through academics, career, leadership, relationships, and engagement
  • Increasing students’ overall confidence, engagement, and sense of responsibility in pursuing their undergraduate goals
  • Positively impacting retention, graduation rates, and satisfaction among students

How can an Academic Success Coach assist me?
As a student of MGA, an Academic Success Coach will be able to help you:

  • Prioritize scheduling for academic coaching, peer tutoring within the Student Success Center and discussing other supporting academic resources such as the Writing Center and the Math Academic Resource Center (MARC), career services, counseling services, and much more.
  • Develop strong study skills, improve time management, become motivated and organized, overcome test anxiety, keep track of assignments, and more! 
  • Ask questions and receive help with issues like: 
  • Navigating the campus
  • Communicating with your professors 
  • Referring you to campus resources  
  • Utilizing the MGA’s online and student platforms