Student Rights and Responsibilities

Scholars may debate whether or not there was an actual written Code of Chivalry. However, there are some basic tenets that most agree were a part of the Code: Courtesy, Honesty, Valor, Honor, and Generosity

With the Knight as the University’s mascot, those same tenets can be seen in the responsibilities that 51动漫 students accept as a part of the learning community. In fact, the primary expectations of all 51动漫 students are integrity and civility. Each student should approach all academic endeavors, relationships and personal responsibilities with a strong commitment to personal integrity and interpersonal civility. These responsibilities apply collectively to members of recognized student organizations. These responsibilities are: 

  • Individuals will fulfill their academic responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner. 
  • Individuals will respect and foster the academic endeavors of other members of the University community. 
  • Individuals will protect and support the personal safety of all members of the University community. 
  • Individuals will respect other members of the University community 
  • Individuals will show regard for the property of the University, its community members, and visitors to campus. 
  • Individuals will respect the integrity of the University’s academic and administrative records. 
  • Individuals will contribute to a safe environment within the University community. 
  • Individuals will adhere to federal, state, local, University System of 51动漫, and University laws and/or regulations that govern individual actions and relationships among community members. 


When a student is charged with an alleged violation of the rules, regulations, and/or policy of the University, disposition of the case will be according to the Constitutional requirements of due process.  These rights include entitlement to: 

  1. A written copy of the alleged charge(s) and/or violation(s). 
  2. A fair and impartial hearing. 
  3. Know the nature of the evidence against them and the name(s) of witness(es) scheduled to appear during a hearing. 
  4. Present evidence and witnesses on their behalf.  Statements from character witnesses will be accepted only in instances in which the individual(s) providing the information was present during the event(s) in question and/or has direct knowledge of the event(s) in question. 
    1. Witness statements may be allowed during Title IX hearings (see Section 9 of the Code of Conduct).
  5. Be accompanied at a hearing by an advisor.  Both the Respondent(s) and Complainant(s) (where applicable), as the parties to these proceedings, shall have the right to have an advisor (who may or may not be an attorney) of the party’s choosing, and at their own expense, for the express purpose of providing advice and counsel.  The advisor may be present during meetings and proceedings during the investigatory and/or resolution process at which his or her advisee is present.  The advisor may advise their advisee in any manner, including providing questions, suggestions, and guidance on responses to any questions posed to the advisee, but shall not participate directly during the investigation or hearing process (with noted exception during sexual misconduct and Title IX hearings), ().
  6. Be present at the hearing during the presentation of any evidence or material on which a decision will be made.  If the student fails to attend a meeting, the hearing will be held in the student’s absence.
  7. Remain silent and refrain from answering questions without inference of guilt. 
  8. Submit questions for witnesses to the Student Conduct Officer, who, in cases involving adjudication by a Student Conduct Board hearing panel or hearing officer, serves as the non-voting Chair of the panel.  The Chair will determine if the Respondent’s question(s) is appropriate and if the Respondent’s question(s) will be posed verbally or in writing. 
  9. An audio recording of the hearing will be made by the Chair of the hearing.  The deliberation/sanctioning phase of the proceeding will not be recorded.  The Respondent will be provided, upon request, a copy of the hearing recording.  Written transcripts of the hearing will not be available. 
  10. A decision based solely on the evidence presented. 
  11. A written notice of the results of the hearing and an explanation of the decision and sanction assessment.  If a student is found not to be in violation of the charge(s), all related documents and records will be destroyed. 
  12. Appeal the finding and/or sanction. 

It should be noted these due process rights generally apply to all cases.  However, there may be more specific due process related to specific conduct procedures and/or alleged violations, as noted in later procedural sections of this code.