Programs Serving Minors

51动漫 (MGA) offers a variety of camps, clinics and activities that bring non-student minors onto campus. These include but are not limited to athletic camps, after school programs, science camps, aviation camps, music camps, and other enrichment programs. Moreover, through dual-enrollment including the 51动漫 Academy of Arts, Mathematics, Engineering & Sciences, the MGA student body includes minors who participate in both academic programs and co-curricular activities, such as Registered Student Organizations and International Programs. These programs are of great educational value and serve to benefit both the institution and the larger community.

Policy and Procedures

51动漫 has implemented a that focuses on the safety and well-being of campus visitors, providing a healthy environment for all who participate, volunteer or work on campus. This policy, which is structured by the guidelines set forth in the , includes non-student and visiting minors.

In order to ensure the best environment possible for these programs that serve non-student minors, the following procedures must be followed:

  • All programs working with or serving non-MGA student minors must be submitted for approval and officially registered. A centralized database will track all MGA events and programs that serve non-student minors. For recurring events that serve non-student minors, annual renewal will be required. To register your program, please click HERE.
  • Once a program is submitted for registration, the following must be completed:
  1. Background Checks must be completed for anyone who works directly with minors. This includes MGA students and all volunteers that are not employed by the university. These checks must be completed through the university’s Human Resources department. MGA programs/departments are responsible for funding these checks in order to ensure the highest protection possible for minors.
    1. For all MGA camps and programs, program leads will have to send HR the list of program facilitators (any person working the camp or program) and HR will check to see if those individuals have a current background check on file in the last 3 years. If so, HR will send the results and if not, HR will run the background check. HR will send program leads the results of (cleared/not cleared) of the background checks to the program lead. It is the responsibility of the program lead to inform Auxiliary Services that each person working the program/camp has had a background check and is cleared to work.
    2. For all third-party groups hosting programs that serve minors on MGA property, a Facilities Use Agreement must be completed.
  2. Mandatory training must be completed by all staff and volunteers who participate in programs serving non-student minors.
    1. The Minors on Campus Policy Training must be completed. Signed PDF’s should be sent to before the program begins.
      1. Please pay close attention to the included Code of Conduct before signing off on this document.
    2. Mandated Reporting Training: The following resources can be used to complete the mandated reporting training requirement:
      1. (PDF) or
  3. Required Forms must be completed by parents or legal guardians of minors in order to allow participation in MGA authorized programs. A summary of the required forms include but are not limited to:
    1. Waiver of Liability
    2. Photo Release
    3. State Licensure Exemption
    4. Affidavit of Compliance with Background Check (required for non-MGA volunteers)
  4. Lastly, the Program Serving Minors Checklist should be completed and sent to to have program approval and ensure that all requirements have been completed successfully.