Additions and Changes to General Education Curriculum

As a University System of 51动漫 institution, 51动漫 must comply with Board of Regents (BoR) policy and procedure about the development and approval of all general education (Core Curriculum) courses and programming. gives detailed information about general education classes, including approval procedures; guidelines for course inclusion in Areas A-F of the core; prerequisite and exceptions rules; and common core, prefixes, suffices, and descriptions. The USG website also offers guidance on for many degrees and majors. All general education courses must align with MGA's BoR approved General Education Student Learning Outcomes. (Link to Catalog)

In 2018 the Senate Committees were reorganized, and coinciding with the USG announcing a , the General Education Committee ceased regular activity until the redesign is complete. In the interim, curriculum changes, including changes that affect the core curriculum proceed through the Academic Affairs Committee and the Faculty Senate in their approval. However, significant changes to the general education curriculum still need to be approved by the . Because the USG Council on General Education meets infrequently, it is critical that those developing general education curriculum closely follow the Curriculum Development and Approval Calendar.