Plagiarism Website Works Cited
Auer, Nicole J., and Ellen M. Krupar. "Mouse Click Plagiarism: The Role of Technology in Plagiarism and the Librarian's Role in Combating It." Library Trends 49.3 (2001): 415-33. Academic Search Premier. 14 July 2001.
Bowden, Darsie. "Stolen Voices: Plagiarism and Authentic Voice." Composition Studies/Freshman English News 24.1-2 (1996):5-18.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office. A Guide to Copyrights. Jan. 2000. 7 Sept. 2001 .
Gold, Marta. "Stop, Cheat!" Edmonton Journal. 5 Sept. 2001, final ed.: F1.
Harris, Robert. The Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001.
Lathrop, Ann, and Kathleen Foss. Student Cheating and Plagiarism in the Internet Era: A Wake-Up Call. Englewood, CO:Libraries Unlimited, 2000.
Paper Store Enterprises. 31 July 2001
Quan, Douglas. "Universities combat rising Internet plagiarism." The Ottawa Citizen. 16 Feb. 2001, final ed.: F1.
Robertson, Hugh. "Best way to fight plagiarism is to teach essay-writing skills." The Ottawa Citizen. 13 Mar. 2001, final ed.: D4.
Roig, Miguel. "When College Students' Attempts at Paraphrasing Become Instances of Potential Plagiarism." Psychological Reports 84 (1999): 973-82.
Schneider, Alison. "Why Professors Don't Do More to Stop Students Who Cheat." Chronicle of Higher Education 45.20 (1999): A8-11.
Stebelman, Scott. "Cybercheating: Dishonesty Goes Digital." American Libraries 29.8 (1998): 48-51.
Works Consulted
Anderson, Gregory. "Cyber-plagiarism: a look at the Web term paper sites" College and Research Libraries News. 60.5 (1999): 371-74.
Anderson, Judy. Plagiarism, Copyright Violation and Other Thefts of Intellectual Property. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 1998.
Angelil-Carter, Shelley. Stolen Language? Plagiarism in Writing. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia, 2000.
Ashworth, Peter, and Philip Bannister. "Guilty in Whose Eyes? University Students' Perceptions of Cheating and Plagiarism in Academic Work Assessment." Studies in Higher Education 22.2 (1997): 187-206. Academic Search Premier. 14 July 2001.
Bruno, Debra. "When Students Cheat, Don't Blame the Internet." Christian Science Monitor 93.120 (2001): 11.
Frey, Christine. "Chips and Cheating." Los Angeles Times 30 Aug. 2001
Gresham, Keith. "Preventing Plagiarism of the Internet: Teaching Library Researchers How and Why to Cite Electronic Sources." Colorado Libraries 22.2 (1996):48-50.
Young, Jeffrey. "The Cat-and-Mouse Game of Plagiarism Detection." The Chronicle of Higher Education 6 July 2001: A26+.
Groak, Marie, Diana Oblinger, and Miranda Choa. "Term Paper Mills, Anti-Plagiarism Tools, and Academic Integrity." Educase Review 36.5 (2001): 40-48.
Information on this plagiarism website used and adapted with permission from the University of Alberta Libraries Learning Services.